The Kingdom Streaming Co-lead (volunteer and on-Site organizer) is in search of a replacement to take over at 12th Night 2024. The job description is as follows: Organize volunteers for On Site Coordinator, Camera Operators, Communication Operators, and Producers for…
02 Nov 2023
Greetings Unto the Populace of An Tir, Short the days grow but the word fame of An Tir grows large and is spread far. Their Majesties visited the Barony of Terra Pomaria on October 21st, 2023 and bestowed upon…
02 Nov 2023
Greetings from your An Tir West War Financial Committee! The ATWW Financial Committee is looking for those interested in being Head Stewards for ATWW 2024. We are hoping to select 2 Co-Stewards, 1 from the West and 1 from An…
04 Oct 2023
Great is the populace of An Tir and countless are their works and deeds.On September 30 th , 2023 their Majesties Morgan of the Oaks and Livia Alexandra Severa visited theBarony of Three Mountains.Ever seeking to recognize those among the…
04 Oct 2023
On September 19 th , 2023 their Majesties Morgan of the Oaks and Livia Alexandra Severa visited theSummits to speak their words.The following accolades were received.Marcus Longinus Rufus received a Sanguine ThornTalia bint Al-Athir was elevated to the Order of…
04 Oct 2023
On September 19th, 2023 their Majesties Morgan of the Oaks and Livia Alexandra Severa visited theSummits to speak their words.The following accolades were received.Marcus Longinus Rufus received a Sanguine ThornTalia bint Al-Athir was elevated to the Order of the PelicanFinn…
12 Sep 2023
After extensive though and thorough review of the many populace members' feedback- Their Majesties, Morgan and Livia have decided whom their Heirs shall be to represent the crown in the lands of Terra Pomaria! This was an incredibly hard decision…
11 Sep 2023
During the Weekend of September 1st thru September 4th, 2023 Their Majesties Morgan & Livia hosted a grand tournament to declare the Heirs to the thrown of An Tir. Sir Ulfgar Thorvaldson, inspired by Juahara al Azin, was victorious that…
11 Sep 2023
Greetings to the Populace of An Tir, This weekend their Majesties Livia and Morgan travelled to the far lands of Wealdsmere, to lend their strength against the forces of Artemisia and Avacal and hold these lands for the Sable Thrones! …
07 Sep 2023
The Martial Leadership Team is seeking several new officers to join our team: Kingdom Armored Marshal, Royal Archer, Kingdom Youth Rapier Combat Marshal, and the Kingdom Lists Deputy who oversees the provosts' and squires' tournaments. If you would like to…