Martial Officers Wanted
The Martial Leadership Team is seeking several new officers to join our team: Kingdom Armored Marshal, Royal Archer, Kingdom Youth Rapier Combat Marshal, and the Kingdom Lists Deputy who oversees the provosts’ and squires’ tournaments.
If you would like to know more about these positions, please contact the current officer or myself. Addresses are in the Marshallate section of the An Tir officers page. Descriptions of each of these positions (except Lists Deputy) are in Kingdom Law on pages 16-17. The manuals for each of the sports provide further information about duties and qualifications in the section entitled “Marshal Responsibilities, Chain Of Command And Reporting”.That text will be posted on the Facebook groups for the relevant sport. (Kingdom Library link.)
Interested parties should submit their SCA resumes by September 17th, to earlmarshal@antir.org and to the current office holder. Please also answer the following questions:
- Other than the basic duties described in our manuals, what do you see as this officer’s role or what would you like to do in this role during your term if you are selected?
- What are your ideas for encouraging participation in martial activities as the SCA continues to rebuild after COVID and seeks to support a more diverse community?
Once the new officers are selected, we’ll discuss the best date to make the transition. Thank you for considering serving An Tir in this manner.
Maestra Althaia filia Lazari, Kingdom Earl Marshal