Online Class Roundup: Friday May 22nd - Friday May 29th Though physically distant, gentles the world over are reaching out to generously share their knowledge and experience. With so many online classes and meetings now available in several locations, it…
20 May 2020
To Our populace of An Tir. We hope you are well, and keeping safe in these difficult times. Today Our Seneschal has released an announcement regarding upcoming events, and We would encourage you to take the time to read this…
20 May 2020
Greetings People of An Tir, The Crown and I have continued to monitor the new information being released from governmental bodies affecting the areas of An Tir as it relates to the ongoing response to the SARS-COV19 pandemic. These announcements are…
18 May 2020
There has been a recent trend during this time of isolation and quarantine for Kingdoms and other historically-focused groups to publish videos of their populace dancing to music or otherwise entertaining us. This is an attempt to capture all of…
14 May 2020
Online Class Roundup: Friday May 15th - Friday May 22nd Though physically distant, gentles the world over are reaching out to generously share their knowledge and experience. With so many online classes and meetings now available in several locations, it…
14 May 2020
The Board of Directors is currently requesting commentary regarding a number of proposed changes to Corpora that relate to the office of the Society Marshal. Those proposed changes, and the reasoning for same, are outlined in the document here: RFC –…
10 May 2020
An Tir has a Pinterest!! There are two types of boards "Extant" and "An Tir"... "Extant" includes extant pieces and period illuminations from period and "An Tir" includes things made by An Tirians! For Example "Extant Scribal" and "An Tir…
07 May 2020
Online Class Roundup: Friday May 8th - Friday May 15th Though physically distant, gentles the world over are reaching out to generously share their knowledge and experience. With so many online classes and meetings now available in several locations, it…
30 Apr 2020
Class Round-Up for May 2nd – May 8th Though physically distant, gentles the world over are reaching out to generously share their knowledge and experience. With so many online classes and meetings now available in several locations, it can be…
28 Apr 2020
An Tir Dance Off! This is An Tir's response to the worldwide SCA Dance Off video series! Between dancers, horses, musicians, dogs, and editor, we had ***ONE HUNDRED PARTICIPANTS*** answer the call! Watch the video on the Kingdom YouTube Channel:…