Announcement of Board Motions
Greetings An Tir,
Yesterday, October 27, 2021, the SCA’s Board of Directors met and took the following actions:
Motion by Ross Roegner to remove Emerson Waite (Christian Bane) as Sovereign of the Kingdom of An Tir, effectively immediately. Second by Dale Fong-Frederick. Opposed: None. Chairman Dan Watson exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Motion by Dale Fong-Frederick to direct the Society Seneschal to issue a Temporary Removal from Participation in the Society to Emerson Waite (Duke Christian Bane) and to further direct the Society Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible sanctions up to and including revocation of membership and denial of participation, effective immediately. Second by Gigi Coulson. Opposed: None. Chairman Dan Watson exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
This sanction precludes attendance or participation in any manner at any SCA activity, event, practice, or official gathering for any reason, at any time. This includes a ban on participation in officially recognized SCA social media sites, officially recognized SCA electronic email lists, and officially recognized SCA webpages.
Please note that Queen Helene is now acting as both the Sovereign and the Consort of An Tir. Crown Prince Sven and Crown Princess Roukinn are still the Heirs of An Tir. Coronation will still take place, as scheduled, at 12th Night in January. All awards, peerages, and honors bestowed prior to these board motions are still valid.
In service,
Mistress Alianora Greymoor, OP
Contingency Kingdom Seneschal of An Tir