Chatelaine Badge

Help! I can’t sew but I need some clothes!

Below are some suggestions for getting started with your own garb without sewing. Economy: Goodwill, Value Village or other second hand stores, Old Navy, Kohls, Target, Walmart, and Fred Meyer may have reasonably priced options. Amazon probably has most everything. Generally natural fibers work best for SCA garb (and it will also depend on where you live what is the best for you): linen, hemp, cotton, silk, or wool. Contrary to current fashion dictates, linen is VERY durable and can be machine-washed, and An Tir has a prevalence of linen garb.

*Please note that the SCA respects whatever gender expression you prefer in terms of your character/attire.

Probably the most basic piece to start with is a “T tunic”; you can wear it with a long skirt or pants (or if it is past your knees, alone). If this sounds suspiciously like a t-shirt, that is because it is…in shape. A tunic is usually much longer than today’s t-shirt, and in the middle ages elastic/spandex didn’t exist, so it was not a stretchy garment. It was, however, shaped like a “T”, with either long or short sleeves. Usually it was worn with a belt over it at the waist. It was basically a front and a back sewn together with a neck hole. Tunics are unisex.


Some options that are pretty easy to use without much alteration:

  • Nightshirts that don’t have any stretch to them can work, if they are long enough (generally mid-thigh to mid-calf)
  • Caftans are a great unisex option
  • An Indian kameez is very similar to what a period T-tunic would look like for female, {kameez} and kurta or sherwani for male personas (preferably without showing any sort of pockets). (The kurta below was shown on!)
  • {kurta} {sherwani}


  • Male – traditional
    • Kilts as they are designed now are actually not within our timeframe, although if you have one you would like to wear, no one should have an issue with it.
  • Unisex
    • Hospital scrubs can be a great starting point, especially for pants if they are solid-colored.
    • Drawstring pajama pants can work (and plaid is perfectly acceptable!)
    • Trews or pants are very similar today in shape to what would have been worn in the middle ages. With the exception of denim, sweatpants/jersey and cargo pockets, if you cover the waistline/back pockets (such as with a tunic) you can probably wear most any pair of modern pants.
  • Female-traditional
    • European women favored full skirts, if you prefer something straight, look at Middle Eastern/Asian cultures
    • Although it probably has stretch as a jersey fabric, a solid colored maxi tank dress with a tunic over it can work.
    • Long (ankle, or “maxi” length) full skirts.
    • A long nightgown under a maxi skirt can also work really well.