4250 Piper Street
Burnaby, BC
Upcoming Events at this Site
- 05/24/2025 - Lions Gate Champions - Lions Gate
Past Events at this Site
- 09/14/2001 - Sergeant, Yeoman & Gallant Trials - Lions Gate
- 08/10/2002 - Sergeants, Yoemans, & Gallants Trials - Lions Gate
- 09/06/2002 - Baronial Stepdown - Kingdom of An Tir
- 08/15/2003 - Sergeants, Yeoman, & Gallants Trials - Lions Gate
- 08/20/2005 - Barony of Lions Gate Sergeants, Yoemen, & Gallants - Kingdom of An Tir
- 09/30/2005 - Wardog Tourney -
- 08/18/2006 - Sargents, Yeomen, Gallants - Lions Gate
- 08/18/2007 - Sergeants, Yeoman, Gallants & Courtier Trials - Kingdom of An Tir
- 05/10/2014 - Lions Gate Heavy and Archery Defenders - Kingdom of An Tir
- 05/23/2015 - Champions Tournament - Kingdom of An Tir
- 05/14/2016 - Champions Tournament - Kingdom of An Tir
- 05/13/2017 - Lions Gate Champions Tournament - Kingdom of An Tir
- 06/02/2018 - Lions Gate Champions - Kingdom of An Tir
- 06/01/2019 - Lions Gate Champions - Kingdom of An Tir
- 05/30/2020 - ***CANCELLED***Lions Gate Champions - Kingdom of An Tir
- 09/11/2021 - Lions Gate Champions - Kingdom of An Tir
- 05/07/2022 - Lions Gate Champions - Lions Gate
- 04/29/2023 - Lions Gate Champions - Lions Gate
- 05/04/2024 - Lions Gate Champions - Lions Gate