Vulcanfeldt Baronial Selection Polling to Begin
Greetings to the Populace of An Tir
The time draws nigh, and we will now start the process to select a new set of Coronets for our lovely Barony of Vulcanfeldt.
This process will be run by myself, the Kingdom Polling Deputy
We are pleased to request nominations for the new Baronial Couple to be submitted by July 1st to pollings@antir.org The following information should be provided:
- An SCA Dossier/Resume
- A Letter of Intent/Introduction of yourselves to the populace
- A photo of yourself (preferably in garb)
- A photo release form, signed please.
A Meet and Greet will be held Digitally, Tuesday July 19th- the Week after July Coronation, hosted by Myself.
The online Polling form will open August 1st and run through the 7th
Step Up to be determined when selection is concluded between the candidates and new Majesties.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Polling Deputy email listed above.
Thank you for your service,
Baroness Ana de la Sara
Polling Deputy, An Tir