RFC – Proposed Corpora changes related to the office of the Society Marshal
The Board of Directors is currently requesting commentary regarding a number of proposed changes to Corpora that relate to the office of the Society Marshal. Those proposed changes, and the reasoning for same, are outlined in the document here: RFC – Proposed Corpora changes related to the office of the Society Marshal – 09/01/2020
Commentary may be emailed to comments@sca.org.
Please use the title “Corpora – Marshal’s Office ” in the subject line. Failure to use this subject line may cause your commentary to be misdirected.
In lieu of email, commentary may be sent by US Mail, Postage-Prepaid, to:
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
RE: Corpora – Marshal’s Office
P.O. Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036-0789
Commentary regarding these proposed Corpora changes, whether sent by email or US Mail, must be received by the Board no later than September 1, 2020.