Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity Updated – December 4, 2020 – SCA.org
The Society Board of Directors Releases a Resolution Extending the Suspension of In-Person SCA Activity.
This Resolution extends the suspension of in-person activities from January 31, 2020 to May 31, 2020.
What follows is an excerpt from the Resolution. The full Resolution text with more explanation of the decision can be found here at the Society Website.
December 4, 2020
At the end of July, the Board of Directors issued a proclamation suspending most in-person SCA activities in North America until January 31, 2021, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. In November, we asked the Kingdom Seneschals and Crowns of the known world to give us their counsel on how to proceed in the first part of 2021. We received very thoughtful responses from nearly all Crowns and Kingdom Seneschals as well as many other concerned people. We wish to thank everyone who responded for taking the time to do so, and for putting such effort into your responses.
After reading and discussing the feedback received, the Board decided at their conference call meeting on 12/01/2020 to continue the suspension of in-person activities in North America through May 31, 2021. That action reads as follows:
Motion by Ross Roegner to extend theResolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity until January 31, 2021, originally issued by the Board of Directors on July 28, 2020, for a period of four (4) months, until May 31, 2021. Second by Gigi Coulson. Opposed: none. Absent: Jennifer Krochmal. Motion carried