Regarding the New Policy from Society re: Vaccines or Testing Requirement

Greetings An Tir,

Today the Society released the policy regarding requiring proof of vaccination or testing within a 72 hour period for attendance to any activity sponsored by the SCA.

We will be applying this policy in An Tir.  This implementation will occur in phases, and you can expect updates regarding this requirement.

As some of you know, the Principality of Tir Righ already has a requirement for proof of vaccination for attendance to any indoor event, and that has been implemented for Fall Crown. King County, Washington has also followed suit and it will be in place for 12th night.

Please read and become familiar with this policy. This will be in place for every SCA activity including, but not limited to, Fighter Practices, Indoor Events, Arts and Sciences night, and Business meetings.

As always, please email me directly at if you have any further comments or questions.

Attia Prima, OP

Kingdom Seneschal, An Tir