May Crown Tournament AS LV

Greetings People of An Tir,

After continuing to monitor the ongoing efforts by the modern health authorities to combat the spread of COVID-19, the Crown and I have made the difficult decision to extend the cancellation of events and activities in An Tir through the end of May 2020.

While this impacts several local branch events, it will also affect An Tir’s May Crown Tournament. I have requested and received the needed variance from the Society Seneschal to delay the tournament until July Coronation. This is a large departure from our traditions in this Kingdom but I have every confidence that An Tir will continue to thrive despite these challenging times.

The Crown and I have been in regular communication with the Kingdom Events Deputy to make the needed adjustments to July Coronation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Barony of Vulkanfeldt and the event staff for May Crown who put in a tremendous amount of work on behalf of the Kingdom to host the event. I would also like to thank the Shire of Lionsdale and the July Coronation event team for being extremely receptive and creative with finding solutions to accommodate a Crown Tournament into an already full weekend. You all have my deepest gratitude.

At July Coronation, the Crown Tournament will take place on Saturday morning. King Christian and Queen Helene have decided not to place limits on the list entrants. However, we would like to strongly encourage participants in the tournament to pre-register in order to facilitate a streamlined and efficient start to the day’s proceedings. The victors of the Crown List will be crowned the next King and Queen of An Tir during Saturday evening court. The Kingdom Champion Tournament will replace the Squires Tournament on Sunday morning.

The schedule for July Coronation is still being determined and we will need a little time to iron out the additional details surrounding meetings and other activities. These meetings and activities will be dependent on schedule availability and the needs of the event due to these special circumstances. Please keep an eye out in the coming several weeks for more information from the event staff regarding the schedule.

Finally, we are an international Kingdom and the Crown and I are aware that there are some travel advisories in place affecting the US/Canadian border. We will continue to monitor the border status as well as the health advisories affecting the municipalities in all parts of An Tir. Future decisions regarding events will be based on the most current information available to us.

In proud service to Crown and Kingdom,

Mistress Alianora Greymoor, OP
Seneschal of An Tir

The Crowns of An Tir have published their own announcement regarding this difficult decision.