July Coronation AS LV

Greetings People of An Tir,

The Crown and I have continued to monitor the new information being released from governmental bodies affecting the areas of An Tir as it relates to the ongoing response to the SARS-COV19 pandemic.  These announcements are never easy and it is with a very heavy heart that I must announce further cancellations of events as well as activities (fighter practices, socials, meetings, etc) through the end of July 2020.  

Please note that the possibility of re-opening activities is being actively considered and the Kingdom is prepared to roll-back the cancellation date for activities if possible.  At this time, it will be the strategy of this Kingdom to reopen activities Kingdom-wide rather than area-by-area.  As with all things, these decisions are made with the best information available at the time and we are committed to being responsive as the situation changes and evolves.

The cancellation of events through the end of July does mean that July Coronation will not be able to take place. The tournament will instead take place at September Crown.   I have requested and received the needed variances for this change from the Society Seneschal who will report the information to the board of directors.  My heartfelt thanks go to Mistress Desiree and the Shire of Lionsdale for their work to integrate a Crown Tournament into an already packed event like July Coronation.  Your work is not unnoticed and you have all my thanks. 

Due to the administrative needs of these complicated changes, I have also requested the extension of the reign of King Christian III and Queen Helene III of An Tir to September Crown.   It is my intent to request a further extension of the reign in early August.  This additional extension is intended to allow for An Tir’s Royal Heirs time to prepare to assume the throne and will also help to mitigate the future effect on the Kingdom Calendar.  That request cannot be made until early August when the Society Seneschal is prepared to review requests for the next quarter. 

It is entirely possible that September Crown will also be impacted as the summer progresses and the Kingdom is developing further plans for how to move forward in the event September Crown cannot take place.  I would like to thank Mistress Gera as the Kingdom Events Deputy who has been an integral part of the contingency planning for these Crown events.  The health of the people of An Tir as well as our obligation to adhere to the requirements set-forth by modern health agencies are the most important considerations for kingdom’s event planning team. 

I fully appreciate the effect these changes have on our event calendar.  Variance requests are taking into consideration several factors including the length of reigns as well as the future effect on the complicated schedule of our Kingdom.  I ask that we all try to remain flexible as we move forward to accommodate those activities required of us by the Corpora of the SCA and the wants and desires of the people of An Tir. 

The uncertainty of when we’ll be able to come together again is understandably frustrating and saddening.  The Crown and I will continue to make announcements to keep the populace informed of the decisions being made.  We look forward to seeing you all again as soon as we’re safely able to do so.

I would like to end this missive with my deep thanks to the people of An Tir.  The strength of this Kingdom is recently exemplified by the kindness and support shown in our online communities.  These online forums have demonstrated how we can maintain our broader community through classes, interactive experiences, and the sharing of arts and ideas throughout the Kingdom.  You are all truly inspiring.

In service to Crown and Kingdom,

Mistress Alianora Greymoor, OP
Seneschal of the Kingdom of An Tir