From the Seneschal of An Tir Regarding the Board Resolution of July 28th, 2020
Greetings People of An Tir,
The board of directors of the SCA has made a resolution to suspend in-person events until January 31st, 2021 in response to a request made by many of the Crowns of the Kingdoms in North America. This resolution will eliminate the need for Kingdoms to request variances to move Crown/Coronet Tournaments due to ongoing event cancellations. I want to express my gratitude to King Christian and Queen Hélène for lending their voices along with their Royal cousins in support of this petition to the board.
What does this mean for An Tir? It means that all in-person events will be cancelled on the Kingdom’s online calendar through January 31st, 2021. This will impact the following Kingdom events: Kingdom Feast, Collegium, and 12th Night. While we may explore virtual event options, please note that these events will not be happening in-person unless we see significant changes in governmental health advisories. I want to thank the event stewards of these Kingdom and local events. You have all put a huge amount of effort into planning these events and that effort is appreciated and admired, especially in these difficult and uncertain times.
The future date of An Tir’s next Crown Tournament is something that will remain to be determined. Please know that the Kingdom events team is committed to holding a tournament to choose Royal Heirs as soon as we can safely come together to do so. I would love to be able to offer a specific date as to when that may take place but that is not yet possible.
In the meantime, I would encourage the populace of An Tir to continue to share your interests and passions in our online communities. Continue to build each-other up in these challenging times. Continue to choose kindness.
In service to Crown and Kingdom I remain,
Mistress Alianora Greymoor, OP
Kingdom Seneschal of An Tir