From the Desk of DEI – Displays of Kingdom or Branch arms

Heraldry is in use everywhere in the SCA – from brightly colored pennons & banners flying in the breeze, to tabards and painted shields borne by fighters on the field.

Heraldry is also an important part of identification for kingdoms and branches. Within the modern world, they equate to official logos. And like logos, there are proper ways to display and utilize heraldry. 

Any use of kingdom or branch arms will be perceived – whether intentional or not – as both official and authorized.  When this heraldry is used inappropriately or paired with personal displays, it creates a liability for our organization. When that display contradicts the core values of the SCA, it becomes a legal problem and puts our entire organization in jeopardy.  

To ensure we protect our Kingdom and organization, follow these guidelines when using Kingdom or branch arms: 

  • For official and approved purposes, such as newspaper ads, official websites, official business cards. 
  • Do not utilize in a way that could be seen as damaging to the integrity or reputation of the Society
  • If you are in an official role, exercise particular care because of your leadership roles, and the real, or apparent, influence they may be perceived to have
  • Do not use in conjunction with any content that could be interpreted as directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office 

This isn’t only good practice, but helps keep everyone aligned with SCA policies.