Device of the Kingdom of An Tir

From the Crown of An Tir regarding May Crown AS LV

Hear now the words of Christian III and Hélène III of An Tir!

Click the image to view the video (video will open in a new window):

King Christian III and Queen Helene III of An Tir seated on thrones



The strength of Our Kingdom comes from its people, without whom there would be no Kingdom to rule.

These are Our words, spoken the day of Our coronation.

The responsibility We bear for this is moving and profound.

Our love for An Tir is immeasurable, and Our desire is for the welfare and safe keeping of Our people, through all adversity.

This is the Oath and commitment We spoke, and We will maintain this for as long as We are blessed to rule these lands.

These are unprecedented times, which lead to taking unprecedented action.

We are continuing to move forward, following conservative community safety projections, and at this time We are announcing the cancellation of events within An Tir, through the month of May.

This, of course, will include the cancellation of Our May Crown Tournament.

You can be assured, planning and preparations have already taken place with Our Seneschalate and events teams to reformat July Coronation to include the Crown Tournament on that day.

We have absolute faith in Our teams to be able to conduct this combined event with great success. We will continue to monitor the current events as We reach out to health professionals on all levels, to understand this reality we are collectively facing.

We ask you to remain hopeful, as we look toward our possible return to the community and events we all wish to enjoy, together again.

I know that many would like to know how long this will last. We are all wondering when we are going to be able to see our friends, hug our loved ones, or be able to come together in fellowship and celebration. We would like to be able to tell you exactly when this will be over, but the reality is that it will depend on each and every one of us.

The best way to minimize the impact of COVID-19 is to continue to follow public health directives.

Stay home as much as possible, limit your movements, and if you absolutely must leave home, keep a respectful distance.

If we continue to do our part, We promise you we will get through this.

As this concern develops, We will continue to reach out to you all, to speak on the state of Our Kingdom and keep you informed on what direction We will be taking to bring Our Society and Our Kingdom back together.

Through these hard times, We take great pride in seeing the collective outpouring of strength and support from Our Kingdom, for all those across the Knowne World.

The efforts taken to connect with each other through online platforms, and the innovation Our Kingdom has shown to fill the hearts of many with the love of our game, is like nothing We have ever experienced before.

We implore you to continue to take fellowship remotely with friends and loved ones, and to lead with creative and exciting new ways to share with others, as you have done.

This is what we need to hold through this difficult time, and this is key to how we will come back stronger afterwards.

But most of all, We ask you to take heart – An Tir is strong, and we will come through this to meet each other again, soon.

Christian III
Rex, An Tir

Hélène III
Regina, An Tir