Fall Crown Tournament
Greetings to the Kingdom of An Tir,
The Crown Tournament of An Tir will be held on October 8-10, at Camp McLean in Langley, BC, Canada.
Safety is the Kingdom’s number one priority in that the tournament will be open to fighters, consorts, required officers, marshals, event staff and heralds. There may be by special request to allow those with major court items such as pending peerage elevations to be able to attend in a very limited capacity so that it may be completed within this reign. Pre-Registration will be required. The Tournament will take place on Saturday and all though there will be camping the event will be limiting the activities to Saturday only All attendees will be required to social distance and wear masks when not actively engaged in fighting or actively eating or drinking. Provincial requirements will be in place for the event.
Over the last 17 months the Kingdom has steered its way through a pandemic. We have been flexible, adjusted our expectations and adapted to change in ways we had never thought possible before.
We are asking the Kingdom for that flexibility once again.
We understand this is not an ideal situation. Please know that every possible scenario has been looked at. We also realize that some people may not feel comfortable attending Crown. If any required officer is uncomfortable attending the event please contact the Kingdom Seneschal directly.
Pre-Reg and other information will be coming.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to the Crown or Kingdom Seneschal.
Christian III
Helene III
Kingdom Seneschal