Fall Crown Tournament Information from the Kingdom Seneschal
An Tir,
Wednesday we made the announcement regarding the Crown Tourney which is to be held in BC. I wanted to give you some more information about the event itself.
We are still in this pandemic and as such it was decided that the tournament would be the main activity at this event. There will be no meetings. Curia and Financial will be scheduled at a later date.
The following will be in place for the event:
Fighters, Consorts, Greater Officers, Champions, event staff, marshals needed for the tournament, and heralds needed for the tournament will be at the event. As stated previously there may be by special request to allow those with major court items such as pending peerage elevations to be able to attend in a very limited capacity so that it may be completed within this reign. If you don’t know whether you fall in one of those categories please contact myself.
- No one is required to come to this event. If you are required per Kingdom law and can’t attend please contact myself. (seneschal@antir.org)
- Pre-Reg is required and will be available in the next couple of days.
- The Kingdom will be following the mandates in BC regarding vaccination status and mask wearing https://www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html and following the Tir Righ Communicable Disease plan.
- Travelers from the United States should be aware of the travel requirements from the States. https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/covid-vaccinated-travellers-entering-canada
- Camping and limited cabins will be available at the site though the weather could be wet. The event team will also publishing hotels available around the site.
This isn’t the most ideal situation and I understand people’s frustrations regarding this event. Please be patient with everyone as we go through the process of setting this event up. The event team will be updating everyone on all other details including any possible changes to local COVID regulations.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Attia Prima
Kingdom Seneschal, An Tir
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.