Dual Yule Court Report, 12/16/23, TRMs Morgan and Livia

Greetings to the lands of An Tir,

   As the Winter Rains fell upon the lands of the west side. Their Majesties Morgan and Livia travelled to lands of Stromgard and Dragon’s Mist to speak of the great deeds of the people of the Kingdom.

 The following gentles received an Award of Arms for their participation in the Kingdom, for giving their time to the SCA.

  Maugris of Three Mountains, Roxanne of Three Mountains, and Marshal of Dumfries.  A great cheer for the new Armigers of An Tir. These gentiles have been instructed to seek out the Heralds to help create suitable arms to be displayed.

 Penelope Violette was given by their Majesties hand, the Lion’s Strength for their consistent and significant contributions to the Kingdom of An Tir for 20 years or more.

 Ikenaga Asahi was awarded a Jambe de Lion, given for showing excellence in the arts. This is a Grant Level award, Ikenaga may display their arms with a Heraldic Achievement.

Michael Leylan Sinclaire was awarded a Sable Scrivener, awarded for excellent service to the Scribal Community.

Siobhan an Sionnaich Ruaidh was awarded a Goutte de Sang, A Goutte is a Grant of Arms for Service to the Kingdom, Siobhan may also display their arms with a Heraldic Achievement.

Grimnir Vandreran was awarded the Queen’s Guard Spear, The Guard spear is an award given by a Queen of An Tir to recognize a member of the Queen’s Guard during Their Reign.

Finn Grimm Baneson and Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia were given The Grace of An Tir, The Grace of An Tir is granted by the Royal Consort for gracious and chivalric behavior. The symbol of the award is a fieldless apple blossom quarterly Or and argent. Much like the flower which bears fruit to enrich and sustain, so too do those members of Our populace who in deed display grace, courtesy, and chivalry above and beyond that which is expected. Recipients will be recognized for leading by example and in so doing promoting these ideals upon which the Society was founded.

 Many Cheers for the recipients and their many deeds and service to the Kingdom.

 Long Live the King, Long Live the Queen.

YIS, in voice and heart,

 HL, Kira Mikkeldotter

 Court Reporter An Tir