COVID-19 Closure Update 06-01-21

An Tir COVID Re-opening Policies and Procedures                    (current – June 1, 2021)


Vaccination and Symptoms:

  • SCA branches may NOT require proof of vaccination.
  • Society member owned sites (home owners) requiring proof of vaccination are responsible for asking for and documenting that proof.
  • In the case that a contracted site owner asks for proof of vaccination, please contact the Kingdom Seneschal to help you work with Society on compliance with site regulations.
  • The SCA INC has developed signage for events addressing symptomology, recent exposure and adherence to the rules.  These signs CANNOT be turned into a waiver.  COVID Event Language.


All Events:‎
‎●‎ Must comply with prevailing local health regulations
‎●‎ Masks required pursuant to local mandates
‎●‎ Masks (if required) may be briefly removed while eating and drinking only
‎●‎ Branches / Events may not provide food or drink.‎
‎●‎ Feasts are not permitted at this time.‎
‎●‎ Pre-registration for camping event attendance is required. A sign in sheet can be used for practices (waivers for rapier, heavy etc like normal), meetings, A&S meetings etc.

Events and Activities Permitted in the Kingdom of An Tir:
Starting July 1, 2021:‎

Small Local Meetings & Practices
Gathering numbers as per local health authority rules

Starting August 1, 2021:‎
‎Local Events and Large or Multi-Branch Meetings and Practices
Gathering numbers as per local health authority rules
Events must be scheduled through the Kingdom Calendar Deputy ‎‎( and published within the Crier‎

Kingdom and Inter-Kingdom Events:‎
The re-opening of larger events within the kingdom is still TBD. This will be ‎reviewed upon removal of restriction by regional governmental bodies. Tentatively ‎to coincide with removal of international border restrictions for personal travel.‎

Demos and Specialty Events:‎
‎Follow the same rules as Local Events and Activities ‎

Virtual Events:

Virtual Events must be scheduled through the Kingdom Calendar Deputy ( and published within the Crier

Virtual events that include court must be published in the Crier.

●     As required by the Society Senechal and Society President:

There shall be NO live, virtual youth focused events/activities/classes. There is no way of following our SCA Youth rules such as 2-deep in a live virtual setting.  We cannot control information going into the chat and similar factors.

Please direct questions about this policy to the Kingdom Seneschal (

  • Youth are permitted at general interest live virtual events just as they would be permitted to be around general parts of the SCA subject to their parents’ supervision.
  • Branches may post pre-recorded youth classes such as to YouTube.  Content should be reviewed by an appropriate youth officer. Instructors should not include direct personal contact information in instructional videos targeted at youth.

The intent of these policies and procedures is to enhance participant safety and aid the purpose of modern public health directives

It is expected that all will attempt to follow both the letter and the spirit of these policies in the intent to protect their fellow attendees in a manner which presents the honour and integrity that all are expected to conduct themselves within our Society.

The Crown and the Seneschalate are empowered with the right to enforce these policies and procedures as to ensure the safety of Our Kingdom

Those found not to be in compliance may be subject to sanctions and further administrative action.

All dates and policies are subject to change upon review by the Crown and Seneschal of the Kingdom of An Tir.

Revision and policy change will be provided via the Kingdom webpage in supplementary announcements.