Court Report, Glymm Mere Yule, December 2nd, TRMs Morgan and Livia

Greetings to the Populace of An Tir,

    I hope you are staying warm and well as we head into the festive season.  I bring the words of Their Majesties Morgan and Livia.  On December 2nd, 2023, Their Majesties travelled to the Baronial Lands of Glymm Mere. Where they sat amongst the populace and broke bread and had these things to say about the great deeds of their people.

Mikeal Macleod of Blatha an Oir, for his prowess on the field and leadership in battle was awarded a L’esperon.

 Sedanias maqq as Voenacunas of Blatha an Oir, for their service to the lands, and serving behind the scenes was awarded a Sanquin Thorn.

The following gentles, a family who is new to the lands and the society that have jumped in with both feet to serve the Barony and  the Kingdom in many ways were awarded the following. Awards were accepted by the Coronets of Glymm Mere

  Olive Jandottir – Lions Cub

  Elliot Jansson – Leo Minor

 Anna Jandottir – Award of Arms

 Phoebe Rose Hart Jandottir – Sable Pheon

Speaking of the Coronets of Glymm Mere, her Excellency Disa i Birkllundi was asked to come before Their Majesties, she was awarded a Bountiful Hand, for her donations of Largess to the Kingdom.

 The final award in Their Majesties Court, A Lion’s Strength, for over 20 years of service to the Kingdom of An Tir.  Was awarded to Alessandra de Montefeltro.

Many cheers for the recipients and their great deeds.

YIS, In voice and heart.

HL, Kira Mikkeldottir

 Court Reporter An Tir