Court Report from Stromgard Yule

Their Majesties of An Tir, King Octamasades and Queen Achaxe are pleased to present the awards bestowed to their populace at Stromgard Yule, 12/17/22

Morning Court:

Stromgard Baronial Changeover     

Baron of Stromgard: Justin de Leon

Baroness of Stromgard: Gaeira Runfastsdottir

Court Barony- Duncan Vitrarius

Court Barony- Moira Ramsay

Thrones favor- Duncan Vitrarius

Thrones favor- Moira Ramsay

Forget me Not- Moira Ramsey

Prince Royale- Skunka

Kings favor and Forget me Not- Skunka

Kings favor and Forget me Not- Mada

Kings Favor- William Terrell

Grace of An Tir- William Terrell

Terpsichore’s Fox- William Tarrell

Terpsichore’s Fox- Kateline MacFarlane

Kings favor- Gianni Gabriello Dellamora

Forget me Not- Gianni Gabriello Dellamora

Kings Favor and Thrones favor- Vivienne nic Uldoon

Afternoon Court:            

Forget me Not and Kings favor- Dagmar Thorfinsdottir

Forget me Not and Kings favor- Rayner Ulfgarsson

Forget me Not- Clark Raynersson

Court Barony- Dagmar Thorfinsdottir

Court Barony- Rayner Ulfgarsson

Lions Cub- Clark of Stromgard (Raynersson)

Award of Arms- Gilbert of Dumfries

Leo Minor- Gilbert of Dumfries

Forget me Not- Beak Bell of Dumfries

L’Esperon et du Lion- Asahi (Dragon’s Mist)

Forget me Not and Kings favor- Asahi

Griffe et de Lyon- Matittiyahu von Modin

Jambe de Lyon- Helvi av Gotland

Thrones Favor- Helvi av Gotland

Forget me Not and Kings favor- Helvi av Gotland

Goutte de Sang- Feradach the Beardless

Thrones Favor- Ronan Mac an Leagha

Forget Me Not and Kings favor- Ronan mac an Leagha

Goutte de Sang- Anastasia Hunter

Court Barony- Ell Winter von Stargard

Goutte de Sang- Sophia Aland

Forget me Not- Þóra Jórsalafari

Sable Gauntlet- Brandr Inn Havi

Forget me Not- Brandr Inn Havi

Main de St Nicholas- Kaaren Hakonsdotter

Forget me Not- Drifa in Rauda

Forget me Not- Livia Alexandra Severa

Forget Me Not- Sebastiaen des Roseaux

Forget Me Not- Erika bint Sitt al-Sada

Kings Favor and Forget me Not- Adelheide Leeuwin

Sable Scrivener- Tatyanna of stromgard

Queen’s Guard Spear- Merowyn Ulfredsdottir

Forget me Not- Merowyn Ulfredsdottir

Thrones Favor- Merowyn Ulfredsdottir

Lions Strength- Ilaria Veltri degli Ansari