Device of the Barony of Glymm Mere

Congratulations to the Successors of Glymm Mere

Hear the words of the Wise Majesties of An Tir: Upon much deliberation, counsel and examination, we have come to a difficult decision regarding the new landed representatives for Glymm Mere. 

We would like to thank each and every one of the candidates for your hard work, dedication, courage and strength put forward to not only complete this process, but to potentially lead this Barony into the future, and we hope to see great things from all of you, regardless of whom wears the coronets this go around. 

At this time, we send our heartfelt congratulations to Her Ladyship Tamsyn l’Argent and His Lordship Valentine l’Argent- Our selection for the next Coronets of Glymm Mere.

Thank you again to you all, have a wonderful week