Device of the Barony of Blatha an Oir

Congratulations to the Baronial Heirs of Blatha an Oir

Good evening all, 

It is my pleasure to pass along the words of our glorious Majesties regarding their decision as to whom shall be their next Landed Representatives for the lush lands of BaO. 

There Majesties were absolutely thrilled to have a pool of such talented, caring and qualified candidates to choose from! You are all undisputed assets to your Branch and our Kingdom at large. Thank you for your time and passion- and we hope that it will continue to drive your Barony forward. 

We are pleased to announce that the next Coronets for Blatha an Oir will be: 

Dame Elizabeth FittzWilliam of Carlisle and The Honorable Lord Nels Ulfger i Jaren !


Step up expected to happen at Autumn war 2023!