Closing Court Report for 12th Night, Octamasades and Achaxe

Friday night roving court

Forget me not   Alianora Greymoor

Forget me not   Ellen Frasier

Forget me not   Athos Belisarios

Forget me not   Attia Prima

Kings Favor Attia Prima

Forget me not Arontius Bygelswade

Forget me not   Jadwiga Radomyskova

Forget me not   Matheus Bane

Forget me Not   Lianor Pereira do Valle

Forget me not   Meagan Windermere of Oakwood

Forget Me Not   Sigivald Garansson

Forget Me Not   Livia Alexandra Severa

Forget me Not   Adelheide Leeuwin

Kings favor       Adelheide Leeuwin

Forget Me Not   Antoine a la Langue d’Or

Forget Me Not   James Windswift

Forget Me Not   Torgrim of Wyewood

Forget Me Not   Bato

Forget Me Not   Emma von Bern

Forget Me Not   Lindis de Aquisgranno

Forget Me Not   Genvieve Choue

Queen’s Favor   Genvieve Choue

Forget Me Not   Johanna de Washington

Forget Me Not   Feradach mac Tralin mec Domongairt

Forget Me Not   Clovis

Forget Me Not   Ximena

Forget Me Not   Talia bint Al-Athir

Forget Me Not   Finn Grim

Kings Favor       Arion the Wanderer

Kings Favor       Rauokinn Eyverska Starradottir

Kings Favor       Jadwiga Radomyskova

Kings Favor       Torgrim of Wyewood

Kings Favor       Johanna de Washington

Forget Me Not   Temperence

Forget Me Not  Tryggr

Forget Me Not Dagmaer in Hvassa

Forget Me Not  Constance Davies

Forget Me Not   Caia Snowden

Forget Me Not  Refskegg of House Bread

Saturday court

Lions Pride          Skunka

Lions Pride          Mada

Thrones Favor   Skunka

Thrones Favor    Mada

Court Barony     Mada

Herald Extraordinary      Marya Kargashina

Herald Extraordinary      Hafr-Toki

Forget me Not   Pompeia Rufina

Queens Favor    Pompeia Rufina

Thrones Favor   Hlutwige Wolfkiller

Kings favor          Hlutwige Wolfkiller

Augmentation of Arms  Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia

Thrones Favor   Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia

Kings favor          Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia

Forget Me Not   Eduardo Francesco Maria Lucrezia

Forget me Not   Khalja Khorkoi

Forget me Not   Olin Wlfredson

Forget me Not   Gianna Magdalena Alberti

Forget me Not   Daphne Frasier

Augmentation of Arms  Hlutwige Wolfkiller

Grace of An TIr  Zahra bint al Rammah

Laurel    Vittoria di Carduci

Sable Gauntlet  Salvador Rodrigo de Granada

Pelican  Gianna Maddalena Alberti

Court Barony     Ayla Roth

Baron of Adiantum          Byrnjarr Olfuss

Baroness of Adiantum    Isis Sat Ne Nes Bastet

Goutte Qaragaj Qara Ton

Carp       Qaragaj Qara Ton

Grace of An Tir  Marian Staarveldt

Grace of An TIr  Ambrose Mavrorothakis

Belated Rose      Yseult of Broceliande

Lion of An Tir      Yseult of Broceliande

Award of Arms  Araina

Pelican                  Piaras mac Toirdhealbhaigh

Sanguine Thorn                 Aila’ntha of Williams Keep

Goutte de Sange              Asny Brunsdottir

Sable Gauntlet  Milo of House Awry

Wordsmith         Arnora Grimsdottir

Pelican                  Ana de la Sara

Grace of An Tir   Dunstan M’Lolane

Thrones Favor   Vivien nic Uldoon

Carp       Edward Ean Anderson

Pelican AND Laurel          Jadwiga Radomyskova

Laurel    Dagrun Stjarna

Or and Argent    Clovis

Thrones Favor   Ximena

Thrones Favor    Clovis

Thrones Favor   Bato

Thrones Favor   Emma von Bern

Forget Me Not   Octamasades Skuthikos

Kings Favor         Achaxe Ek Auchatae