Device of the Barony of Blatha an Oir

Baronial Tenure Extension approved for Coronets of Blatha an Oir

Greetings to all- Their Majesties of An Tir, Sven and Rauokinn, are pleased to announce that per new additions to Kingdom Law- they have approved the extension of the tenure of service for Their Excellencies Yusuf Ja’bar al Timbuktuwwi el qalot and Angharat verch Reynulf of Blatha an Oir. They are pleased to receive their continued service for an additional year. After that time, a standard Baronial polling will commence.

Should any populace member have questions or concerns about this decree, please send an email to crown (at) antir (dot) org.

Thank you,
Baroness Ana de la Sara
Polling Deputy, An Tir