Appointment of Viceroy – Barony of Vulcanfeldt

Greetings to the Barony of Vulcanfeldt, 

We are writing to you regarding the resignation of the Baron and Baroness of Vulcanfeldt.  Because we believe it to be in the best interest of the Barony, We have accepted their resignation effective immediately.  While this is an unfortunate situation, it is not insurmountable.  With Her Majesty’s leave, We have appointed Duchess Stjarna to act as Viceroy to the Barony of Vulcanfeldt.   

A Viceroy acts as the representative of the Crown for the group until it is determined that suitable candidates are willing and able to serve as the Coronet for the Barony.  As Viceroy, Duchess Stjarna will help the Barony to find a clear path forward and to steer itself onto a course where it can thrive.  The purpose is to build a more resilient Barony with a more unified vision for its future.  We are confident in Duchess Stjarna’s ability to help guide the Barony so that it obtains a robust and engaged slate of officers and eventually a new Baron and Baroness. 

We understand and recognize that the events of the past few days may have been unexpected and/or difficult for many of you.  Change is never easy and can be challenging to adjust to.  However, unanticipated change and upheaval can also be a catalyst for growth. 

 It is important to us that you understand that the appointment of a Viceroy is not punitive in any way; rather, it is an opportunity for the Barony to take time to regroup.   Moreover, there is no set timeline regarding how long Duchess Stjarna will act as Viceroy; the Barony is encouraged to take the time it needs to find a collective path forward to a vibrant future.  And we are convinced that Vulcanfeldt does indeed have a bright future. 

Duchess Stjarna will keep us up-to-date on the health and well-being of Vulcanfeldt just as your Coronet would.   We encourage you to reach out to Her Grace if you have any questions regarding this decision, her role, or the path forward.  We look forward to working with Duchess Stjarna, and all of you, as we all move forward. 

With Warm Regards and Best Wishes during the Holiday Season, 

Sven Fallgr Gunnarsson, Crown Prince An Tir 

Rauokinn Eyverska Starradottir,  Crown Princess An Tir