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AnTir’s Vaccination or Testing Implementation Policy

This policy will be in effect for all activities including but not limited to Fighter Practice, Indoor and Outdoor events, Arts and Sciences Gatherings, and Business Meetings. This list is not all encompassing. All activities sponsored by the SCA are covered.

Starting November 1, 2021, all attendees will either show proof of full vaccination or show proof of testing within 72 hours of the activities pursuant to the Society’s Policy dated September 25, 2021.

1) Proof of being fully vaccinated must be in form of a government issued card (original or photograph or electronic record), or a negative COVID test must be issued from licensed medical provider and presented in a paper form or electronic form such that the event staff can verify its authenticity. Letterhead from a medical provider or an email address clearly identifying the medical provider as the sender of an electronic record shall constitute authentic proof. All proof of either vaccination or negative COVID test must be accompanied by government issued photo identification for all person 18 years and older Parents and guardians of minors must present their own identification for minors attending the activity in their care.

2) No persons should be documented that they have been vaccinated or tested. These records are not to be kept by any activity team.

2) Proof of vaccine or a negative test shall not be required for children under 12. Children that are aged 3 through 11 must wear a mask.

3) Any person challenging the event staff regarding the enforcement of this COVID policy shall be denied entry to or immediately removed from the activity. If this occurs the event steward/ branch seneschal is to inform the Kingdom Seneschal within 24 hours.

4) Persons with medical exemptions must provide negative test results. Persons with religious objections must provide negative test results. This is the current protocol required to attend an SCA event under the existing policy.

At Entrance to Activity:

  • Present vaccination proof or negative COVID test to the one person at gate checking these items. The activity organizer or designee must maintain a list of names of the persons conducting the check at entrance. Once the entrance is closed the said person(s) must sign a statement at the bottom of the list of names and times which reads:

I have monitored the event entrance at the times noted above, and I have verified that each person entering the event during that time to have shown me proper identification, along with either proof of being fully vaccinated or a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of the start of the event.

  • The activity organizer or designee, shall forward the signed statement to the Kingdom Waiver deputy in accordance with the Kingdom’s Waiver policy.
  • If a person leaves the activity for any reason they must be subsequently checked again upon reentry.

As always, if you have any questions please email me directly

Attia Prima, OP
Kingdom Seneschal, AnTir