Announcement of Ethereal Court to take place on May 7, 2022 at 9:00 AM!
Their Royal Majesties, Sven and Rauokinn, King and Queen of An Tir, announce an Ethereal Court to take place on May 7, 2022 at 9:00 AM during the on-line Known World Italian Symposium. Court will occur via zoom. (link will be provided closer to the event). The event website is at https://historicalitaly.wordpress.com
The following gentles are cordially invited to attend the Ethereal Court virtually:
Sirius Nox
Avine de Hert
Jacques Luis de Normandie
Steven Desjardin
Christopher MacEveny (Kit Heinrichs)
Gera Gangolffin (Jeri Sisco)
Alicia DuBois (Alicia du Bois)
Lucrezia De Alanis
Fjorlief in Haga (Fjorlief InHaga)
Spike Zoetart (Maddy DuMont)
Giata Magdalena Alberti (Gigi La Bella Donna)
Katrine de Saint Brieuc (Katrine De Saint Brieuc)
Athelyna de Oldenfield
Guiote de Bourgogne (Guiote de Bourgogne)
Cathyn Fitzgerald (Cathyn McKenna)
Emelev the Chaste (Zoe Ruskin)
Elena Edgar (Laina Worth)
Chingis Shanagatai Neriin
Refskegg of House Bread (Jed Heimkes)
Maminka the Bohemian
It is very important to Their Majesties that everyone understand that being acknowledged in court is not dependent on anyone’s ability to attend. Your attendance is completely optional and no one is required to be on camera. You are encouraged to do what makes you feel comfortable. To aid in organization, if you are listed above and you plan to attend an RSVP to Achaxe would be very much appreciated (Dawn Edmundson on facebook messenger or achaxe@gmail.com).
For those not listed above, TRM’s court will be streamed live on:
the Kingdom of An Tir’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KingdomofAnTirSCA
Their Majesties welcome any and all to observe the virtual feed either on the Kingdom Facebook page or by attending KWIS.
Questions can be directed to Daphne Achaxe ek Auchate (Dawn Edmundson via Facebook messenger or achaxe@gmail.com). Their Majesties look forward to seeing many of you there