Addendum to the rules for May Crown Tournament:


We write to announce an addendum to the rules for May Crown Tournament:

All An Tir legal tournament weapons styles are permitted and the An Tir shield conventions will be in effect and enforced.

Standard An Tir shield conventions are as follows:

a. Round: 30” Max, measured elbow to elbow;
b. Heater/rectangle: chin to crotch sitting high and shoulder point
to shoulder point wide; and
c. Oval: do not exceed 700 square inches in total surface area.

The format remains an “Ursulmas” style pooled tournament. Depending on the number of pools, the top 2 (if 8 pools) to 4 (if 4 pools) fighters will come out of each pool to fight in a Sweet 16 “clean slate” single elimination best two out of three fights portion of the tournament. The last two fighters at the end of the sweet 16 will fight a best 3 of 5 final.

The tournament will include the traditional processional and a challenge round as the first round of the tournament. You do not have to be assigned to the same pool for the first-round challenge round. It will be conducted as normal for a first round of crown tournament with the combatants’ reporting their win/loss to lists. The outcome of your first-round fight will then be added to your “pool” record for purposes of determining who makes the sweet 16

If you have questions, please feel free to address them to either of Us.

Thank you.
TRMs Sven and Rauokinn