Announcement From Their Royal Majesties

Their Royal Majesties, Sven and Rauokinn, King and Queen of An Tir, announce an Ethereal Court on February 5, 2022 at 4 pm.

This is the original date of the rescheduled Dragon’s Laire Candlemas event. Her Majesty Rauokinn will hold a Royal Court with Their Excellencies of Dragon’s Laire, Arion and Kloe.

The following gentles are cordially invited to attend the Ethereal Court virtually:
• Lucy of Smithsmall;
• Meadbh ingen Cormaic;
• Lysander of Dragon’s Laire;
• Sigridr Vilhelmsdottir;
• Maenach of Dragon’s Laire;
• Furia Dommita;
• Eilidh Keldeleth;
• Ysaunna of Dragon’s Laire;
• Ilexandro of Dragon’s Laire;
• Arontious of Bygelswade; and
• Natasha Orionova Zateeva.
Those of you are identified above are respectfully requested to contact Their Majesties’ Ethereal Court Technomancer, Refskegg of House Bread (FB: Jed Heimkes; email:; text/cell: 623-693-9813). Refskegg will be hosting an instructional class regarding the “how tos” of attending court virtually on Wednesday, February 2nd at 7:30 p.m. ( If you are unable to attend the February 2nd class, please contact Refskegg directly and he can find a mutually agreeable time to work with you. If you are listed above and you do not want to be on video or appear in person on the live feed, that is perfectly acceptable. In that event, please contact TRM’s court coordinator, HE Constance Davies (FB: Teresa Kellmer).

It is very important to Their Majesties that everyone understand that being acknowledged in court is not dependent on anyone’s ability to attend. Your attendance is completely optional and no one is required to be on camera. You are encouraged to do what makes you feel comfortable.
For those not listed above, HRM’s court will be streamed live on:

the Kingdom of An Tir’s Facebook page:

the Barony of Dragon’s Laire’s Facebook page:

and the Kingdom of An Tir’s YouTube channel:

Their Majesties welcome any and all to observe the virtual feed of the February 5th Ethereal Court through any one of these venues.