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Photograph Grant of Use
Image Upload Form
Grant of Use
The SCA May (check all that apply)
publish the Photograph on an SCA web site for a specific purpose:
publish the Photograph on an SCA web site for a specific purpose:
publish the Photograph on any SCA web site or similar media including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Perpetual Grant of Use
I agree that the Photograph(s) identified above, as well as any photos I submit to the SCA at any time in the future, may be used for any of the Grants of Use set out above, whether I have checked them or not
By typing my name and contact email address here and verified by the user account used to submit this form I agree, represent and warrant that:
1. I am the owner of the Photograph.
2. that all of the grants of use I have given above include the right of the SCA to publish my photo in any re-print of a publication including electronic media.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the SCA in the event any claim is brought against the SCA by any person claiming that they have any right, title or interest in the Photograph superior to mine or that I did not have lawful authority to grant the above permission and rights to the SCA.
Photographer's SCA Name
This will be the preferred name used to give photo credit. In the absence of Photographer's SCA name, Photographer's Legal Name will be used to give photo credit.
Photographer's Contact Email Address