Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Coryn of the Wode
Date: April 4 , 2008 until April, 6 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 4th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 6th 2008
Event site:
Wetaskiwin Drill Hall
4513 - 50 Street
Westaskiwin, AB T9A 1L2
As winter ends, our thoughts turn to the upcoming war season. Get an early taste of battle at Winter War! This event features a day filled with battle scenarios and target archery, a potluck supper, and indoor camping both Friday and Saturday night..
Site opens at 7 p.m. on Friday and closes just before noon on Sunday. Showers are available on site.
Site fee: Adults $10.00, youth 12-17 $5.00, children under 12 free. A $3.00 non-member surcharge applies to all adults who do not have proof of membership. (Make cheques payable to ASCA Barony of Borealis.) There is no extra charge for overnight camping but some assistance with set-up and clean-up is expected.
Merchants are welcome. Please contact Mistress Joan the Just at joanandcennet@hotmail.com or (780)986-6623.
For the potluck feast, please bring enough food for 8-10 people according to your modern surname: A-K bring dessert, L-R bring main course, S-Z bring appetizers. A cash bar will be on site.
"Join us for day filled with rapier, combat & target archery and oodles
of heavy combat war scenarios. And as with every Winter War we will also
challenge our gentler skills with an Arts and Sciences and Bardic
competition. This year war points will be awarded for victory in Rapier,
Heavy, Target Archery, Arts and Sciences and the Bardic Competition so
come join in on the fun! Details of the scenarios and competitions will
be posted in the coming weeks to the Avacal list. "
Site info: Wetaskiwin Drill Hall, 4513 – 50 avenue, Wetaskiwin AB, T9A 1L2
Autocrat: HL Coryn of the Wode (Corry VanderZee)
3207-112 avenue, Edmonton AB, T5W 0M1
(780)474-6892 or (780)686-7774, corryvz@telus.net
This page for event id 4796 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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