Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Jay de Lille
Date: March 12 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 12th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Oasis Park & Ephrata Recreation Center
112 Basin St SW
Ephrata, WA 98823
The snows melt, clearing the path once more for war. The trumpets resound, Your King the Great Warrior Skeggi calls you, the warriors of An Tir, to arms for the Kingdom’s first war of the year. As well as to the tavern for a well-deserved drink and warm food after a hard day upon the battle field. Their Majesties King Skeggi and his beautiful Queen Taisiia invite you to attend their royal court.
Event Info: War site gate opens at 10:30 AM. Site fee (includes food) is $10.00 for adults and $6.00 for children under 15, with a $3 non-member surcharge in effect. Food will also be provided to fighters at the war site for those who are unable to attend the tavern. At the tavern, we are looking for vagabond bards and minstrels to share their tales and songs. There have also been rumors of a rapier tournament by insult. The tavern opens at 3:00, and closes at Midnight. Merchants are most welcome. We offer a covered shelter at the war site, with tables. We also have tables available at the tavern.
Merchants and crash space/motel information can be obtained by contacting Mistress Olivia Visconti (Bambi Libby) (509) 754-7155 or at BambiandJay@msn.com.
Autocrats: HL Jay de Lille (Jay Runnion), (509) 754-7155, BambiandJay@msn.com. And M’lord Koji (Tim Goodman). koji@columbiabasin.com
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