Three Mountains Champions


Hosted by Device of Three Mountains

The Barony of Three Mountains (Clackamas & Multnomah Counties, OR)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Ai'binn ingen hui Ne'ill
Date: June 15 , 2013
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 15th 2013
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Marshall’s Farm
34058 Sykes Road St. Helens, OR 97051

Our new Excellencies, Aedan and
Alexandria, invite all to the Three Mountains Baronial Champions
Tournament to be held June 15, 2013 in beautiful St. Helens, Oregon
(with the gracious support of the Canton of KaldorNess). Come cheer
for our combatants as they take on the challenge of becoming the
2013 Armored, Rapier, Archery, Thrown Weapons, or Youth
The barony has added its own
challenge to reduce hunger in our lands by asking that all good
gentles please bring a donation of non-perishable food items for
the local Food Bank. 
There will be on-site games,
volunteer opportunities, and a celebratory potluck meal afterward.
This shall be 
an enjoyable event for

At Opening Court (about 10:00 AM)
all challengers are required to submit a letter of intent, written
or otherwise (creativity is encouraged). Please know that the final
scores for each competition are due to the Baron and Baroness no
later than 4:00 PM. This enables us to have Final Court at an
earlier time and move on to our potluck!

Youth Championship: Those
interested in competing in the Youth Championship (ages 8 to 17)
are asked to contact the Event Steward or Baroness Alexandria as
soon as possible. This competition format has been simplified to
encourage more youth to join in the fun, but we need to let you
know about the changes beforehand. The new format has been
announced in the Three Mountains Yahoo Group.

Armored Competition Format:
Paired weapons under 36 inches. This means two-stick, but with some
axes and hammers mixed in. The 36″ limit means no off-hand madu,
spears or great ax. Don’t forget proper hand protection. The
tournament will be one-field and most likely round robin; however
if the turnout is large enough it could be

Rapier Competition Format:
Modified London Masters tourney.

Bring your own chairs, shade/rain
cover, and any favorite games or crafts to share with
Please furnish your own lunch,
beverages, snacks, and feast gear. At the evening potluck our
Barony will provide hotdogs, buns and condiments, and the Barony of
Stromgard is generously providing a main meat dish as
well. You may share the grill to cook your own choice of meant
if you prefer. Those staying for the potluck are asked to
contribute a side dish, salad, or dessert that will feed at least
12 people; however, there are limited electrical outlets and no
available sinks or kitchen facilities. The site is discretely wet –
period containers only. 

Fees:  Adults – $8 (+
non-perishable food donation); Youth (6 to17 years) – $5; Children
(under 6) – free; $5 NMS applies to those without membership proof.
Please make checks payable to: “SCA Inc. – Barony of
Three Mountains.” [If you are aware that newcomers will be at
the event, please let the event steward know so that Gold Key can
be informed. Thank you!]

Site:  Marshall Farm, 34058
Sykes Road, St. Helens, OR  97051. Site open from 9 AM to 9
PM; opening court begins at 10:00 AM. Please do not park, drive, or
walk in the tall grass at the site perimeter. Out of regard for
wildlife on the property, we would prefer that people leave their
pets, except for service animals, at home. We appreciate your

Event Steward:  Aibinn ingen
hui Neill (Cynthia Malain),,
503-655-2431 (please call before 9 pm).

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