Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Aelfgifu verch Morgan
Date: September 29 , 2001
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 29th 2001
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
September 29, Carlton, OR
The Shire of Mountain Edge has gone over the edge! After months of sobriety we have snapped, and will no longer bow to the whims of taste. Join us for a heavy tournament, rapier tournament, A&S contest, and potluck feast. Prizes will be awarded for worst looking functional armor, most over-acted death, most creative parrying weapon, tackiest garb (must be sugestive of period), most impressive codpiece, tackiest A&S entry (extra points for creative documentation), most interesting & tasty potluck contribution. There will also be a tabletop siege engine competition. The main dish for the potluck will be provided. A-H bring appetizers, I-P desserts, Q-Z veggies/salads/bread.
Site opens at 10am. Fighting starts at noon. Site closes at 11pm.
The site fee is $5 for adults, $3 for children 10 and under, babes in arms free, with a modern family cap of $15.
Event Stewards:
Aelfgifu (Elfa) verch Morgan (Vandy Hall), 503-682-5799, elfa@aracnet.com.
29975 SW Rose Lane #110, Wilsonville, OR 97070.
Ksenia Myszkowa (Maris Mapolski), 503-525-2721, marism@oandc.com.
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