Hosted by
The Barony of Stromgard (Vancouver, WA)
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Gulenay
Date: February 25 , 2017
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 25th 2017
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Firstenberg Community Center
700 NE 136th Ave
Vancouver, WA 98684
The Noble Barony of Stromgard invites one and
all to join us in celebration our founding. The day will filled
with competition, fun and feasting as well as the fierce and unique
StormMaker Tournament to choose Stromgard’s next Arts and Sciences
Champion. There will also be armored, rapier and games
Ivon and Hlutwige, Lord and Lady Stromgard herewith invite all
artisans to vie for the honour of being named their StormMaker,
Champion of the Arts and Sciences of the Barony of Stromgard at
Founding Revel, February 25 (2017) in the Barony of Stromgard
(Clark and Skamania Cos, WA). Those wishing to compete for this title must inform Their
Excellencies no later than February 10 (2017) and submit a Letter
of Intent to Their Excellencies at morning court at the event.
Each competitor is required to research and document two (2)
complete and distinct entries plus an entry to be created on site
the day of the tournament (see “Mystery Box”
Competitors are required to make a fire using a period technique as
well as use the fire in some way in their third entry . Each
competitor is allowed outdoor space for a “camp” within
which they may present the first two entries and prepare the third
and competitors will need a fire pit in which to build fire. One
will be provided if needed. It is recommended that each
competitor gather a group of folk to assist with set up and break
down of camp. Timing will be posted in the schedule.
If you feel you have what it takes to be Stromgard’s
Champion, to be the StormMaker, wear the cloak, display your work,
prove your skill; then send your intent to:
Ivon Baron Stromgard (Gerald Barber
Hlutwige Baroness Stromgard (Lois Hale
StormMaker Carith (Michelle Wiseman
The Traditional Stromgard
Basket Auction!
All good gentles are invited to donate a basket of desirable items
to add to the auction. The proceeds from which go to the Baronial
Travel Fund. Households or a group of friends could put together a
basket. Each person in the group could donate something into the
basket, perhaps with a theme.
Items for a beginning fighter (duct tape, tool etc.), beginning
weaver (card loom, cards etc.).
While almost anything of use is welcome, here are some other
Service item “coupon” such as babysitting, Sewing help,
Basket lunch/picnic
Medieval childrens toys
Feasting items
Project supplies
Only a few
slightly more expensive tickets will be available on the day of the
We are
excited to have you join us for Founding Revel this year and look
forward to seeing each of you there. Master Renart is the head
cook! Please review the menu and plan accordingly with your
feast gear (hint: if there is soup, bring a bowl…). Please be
prepared with a luncheon for yourself and family and remember that
an afternoon snack is planned. Dishes or drinks will not be
provided and there will not be a dish washing area available. A
space to scrape off your feast gear and bags to take them
home in will be provided. Be prepared to remove any trash you
create (bottles, containers, etc..)
The site
should be considered “slightly damp”. Adult beverages will need to
be surrendered to the bartender (2 non particiapants easily
identified by their AnTir Tshirts and Jeans) who will pour for you.
Please bring period containers that obscure the contents from view.
The barony will not be providing any of these beverages. Please see
the event Facebook page for further updates as they
The Menu as of Now, Note that changes might happen but this is
the current plan:
Roman Feast from The Roman Cookery of Apicius
Coarse Grated Cheese combined with honey, garum and coarse
pepper, served on thin crisp bread.
Thinly sliced roast meat, marinated in a sauce of wine, stock,
rosemary, lovage, coriander, basil and honey. Served with toasted
Figs, dates, prunes, cherries, apricots served with feta
Roasted and sliced rutabagas with onions and cheese (requested
by the Baroness)
Fresh made rolls
Roasted Pork w/ a sauce of coriander, aniseed, honey, wine,
Roasted/Braised mixed Vegetables – Brcocoli, Leeks and brussel
sprouts( yuk)
Roasted Chicken with fennel, celery seed, black pepper and white
Fresh made rolls
Sauteed Mushrooms with olive oil, red wine, salt and a pinch of
Roasted carrots with olive oil, then finished with honey
Rich sweet cakes, made with cinnamon and rosemary, sweet wine,
eggs, honey and milk.
Adults 18 + $20
(subtract $5 for Member discount), Feast
13-17 none,
Feast $12
7-12 none,
Feast $6
Babes-6 no
Steward: Gulenay (Barbara MacLachlan)
503-890-2439 (no calls before 9AM or after 9PM
This page for event id 6707 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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