Rose And Thorn Symposium


Hosted in-person by Device of Caladphort

The Canton of Caladphort (Gray’s Harbor County, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Theodora Pleustissa
Date: October 11 , 2024 until October, 13 2024
Site opens at: 3:00 PM on October 11th 2024
Site closes at: 3:00 PM on October 13th 2024

Event site:
Shiloh Inn – Ocean Shores
707 Ocean Shores Blvd Ocean Shores, WA 98569

This is a Level 1: Other (Branch primary events of regional or Kingdom interest) event.

The Canton of Caladphort welcomes you to the third annual Rose and Thorn Symposium. Join us as we celebrate the women and gender diverse combatants of all disciplines!



Hotel Reservations are open please call the hotel.

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Royal Presence - Tir Righ
Has Classes
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Archery activities
Has Thrown Weapon activities
Allows pets (check for details)

Add all events from Caladphort to your personal calendar (ical format)

Registration Information

This page for event id 8404 was last updated: July 9, 2024
This event has completed its EIF form
This event's waivers have NOT been marked as received by the Senechal's Waivers Deputy