Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Wilfryd of Leeds
Date: April 20 , 2007 until April, 22 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 20th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on April 22th 2007
Event site:
Mount Elizabeth Secondary School
1491 Kingfisher Ave.
Kitimat, BC V8C 1E9
Penguin Crusade Shire of Cáe Mór
April 20th – 22th, 2007 Kitimat, BC
Join the Shire of Cae Mor and the Azure Brotherhood for this weekend of mayhem, learning and fun!
An informal tavern will be held Friday evening April 20th, 7:00 pm-1:00 am. Entrance is included in your site fee. Drinks and food available at reasonable prices or bring your own alcohol.
Saturday is dedicated to workshops (Fees for classes, registration information and class lists TBA at: http://www.geocities.com/tadgg627/events.html or contact HL Wlfryd of Leedes, at wolfrheadofleeds@yahoo.ca, 250-632-3709, or c/o SCA Shire of Cae Mor, Box 113, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2G6). The evening’s formal feast will be prepared by the Feast Cooking class; the menu will depend on how many tickets are sold (advance sales only). Feast tickets: prior to March 30th; Adults $10.00, Youths (6-15) $7.50. Mar. 30th-April 15 th; Adults $12.50, Youths $10.00. Children under 5 FREE. Feast Ticket sales end April 15 th, no exceptions. Make cheques payable to SCA – Shire of Cae Mor.
Sunday is tourney day, with a Rapier Tournament, a War Bands Tourney and a Penguin Shoot.
Main Site: Mount Elizabeth Secondary School, 1491 Kingfisher Avenue, Kitimat, BC
This site is strictly DRY.
Tavern Site: #31-863 South Lahakas Blvd, Kitimat, BC
Site Fees: Note: Non-SCA Members add $4.00CDN SCA, Inc. surcharge
Before April 15th, 2007
Adults (16 and up) $10.00CDN Youths (6-15) $5.00CDN
After April 15th
Adults $12.00CDN Youths $7.00CDN
Children under 5 FREE
Proof of SCA Membership will be required.
Autocrat: Wlfryd of Leedes (Reid A. Nelson) wolfrheadofleeds@yahoo.ca 250-632-3709 c/o SCA Shire of Cae Mor, Box 113, Kitimat, BC, V8C 2G6
Limited date. All Branches may conflict.
This page for event id 4623 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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