

Hosted in-person by Device of Wealdsmere

The Barony of Wealdsmere (Spokane, Spokane County, WA)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Lilion Jane Godwin
Date: October 19 , 2024
Site opens at: 9:00 AM on October 19th 2024
Site closes at: 9:00 PM

Event site:
Five Mile Prarie Grange
3204 West Strong Road Spokane, WA 99208

Join us for a day of feasting, fun and merriment at Octoberfeast! This year we are back at the Five Mile Grange in west Spokane. This is a lovely hall with plenty of parking, and space for outdoor activities. This hall was recently remodeled with ADA accessible restrooms upstairs in the main hall.



Site fee includes two meals:


There will be a soup and bread luncheon served at mid-day.


The main feast will be served Period German style and seating is by pre-registration only, off-board acceptable.



Activities to include:


Full served feast


Lunch dayboard – soups and breads


*Toys for Tots Tournaments


A&S Contests


Classes as scheduled


Childrens activities (YAC if possible)







Charity: In addition to the Toys for ToT’s program, we would like to add the option of donating to the regional food bank (Second Harvest) and give people the option to bring a food donation or a toy.



The entry fee for all contests and tournaments is either a new, unwrapped toy or a new, unopened food donation (nothing perishable, please.)


“Toys for Tots Tournaments”


There is traditionally a series of competitions and tournaments held at Octoberfeast to benefit the Marine Corps Reserve “Toys for Tots” program.


These contests all have an “entry fee” of one new, unwrapped toy that is then donated to Toys for Tots by the Barony. This is one of the ways we support worthy causes in our community.


The winners of these competitions receive a traveling trophy (each contest has a different item; a sword, a games box, etc) for one year until the next year’s event where they pass on the trophy to the next winners.


While these are not “Champions” and have no Court precedence, they are none-the-less proud representatives of the Baronies finest competitors.


The Victors for 2023:


Heavy: Crimthan of Starfyre


Rapier: Baron Þorkell Palsson


Arts and Sciences: (unchallenged in 2023)


Games: Raven Morgenstern


Cut & Thrust: (un-challenged in 2023)

This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Is an online gathering
Has Classes
Has Heavy Fighting activities
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities
Offers a feast or meal

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This page for event id 8488 was last updated: June 9, 2024
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