Madrone Baronial Banquet


Hosted by Device of Madrone

The Barony of Madrone (King County, WA )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Nicolette Thomas
Date: March 12 , 2005
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on March 12th 2005
Site closes at: 12:00 AM

Event site:
Nordic Heritage Museum
3014 NW 67th St Seattle, WA 98117

Update 2-12-05: This promises to be a lovely banquet with lots of new recipes!

First course:
* Sausage in potage – bratwurst braised with apples, onions, white wine, and butter
* Rote ein Weiss – a salad of red and white cabbage in a sweet sour vinegar dressing
* Gebraden scherp – beans fried with bacon
* Carrots de Rumpolt – carrots with milk and butter
* Pilz scharf – tart of mushrooms with cheese and herbs
* Roten Eigel – a figgy hedgehog subtlety

Second Course:
* Home-made bread and fresh butter
* Roast pork with cremona mustard – a sauce of mustard, preserved orange, quince, and rosewater
* A Salad platter – assortment of salads including beans salad, dressed eggs, etc.
* Cartufle de Casteau – the strange starchy root from the new world, served with a red wine butter sauce
* Green Genoese Pie – a pie of spinach, herbs, and cheese
* Candied Oranges – fresh oranges grilled with butter and cinnamon sugar

Third Course:
* A banquetting course – an assortment of sweet treats, tarts, and yummy things to be served on side boards. Likely to include such things as Marzipan Wafers, Prune pastries, Shrewsbury cakes (and other English dainties), assortment of fruit tarts (such as plum, quince, apple, pear), and dried fruits and nuts

Every course has been planned so that even lacto-ovo vegetarians will be able to eat most everything. Meat dishes will be clearly identified. If you have any specific allergies (nuts, msg, vinegar, etc), please let me know AT LEAST one week in advance so that we can tell you what dishes should be avoided.

These recipes, and the dozens that won’t be served at the banquet, should be in a new Feudal Gourmet pamphlet sometime in the next year or two!

– Anne-Marie, cuisinier for Baronial Banquet and Nicolette Thomas, autocrat

Update 1-24-05:

The menu for this year’s Madrone Baronial Banquet will be a hearty and sumptuous repast, consisting of period recipes from the 1604 manuscript Ovverture de Cuisinie by Lancelot de Casteau, as well as other northern european sources from the same time period. It will be served in two courses, with a third “banquetting course” being set out so that people can nibble on dainty treats while they socialize and (hopefully!) dance.

The menu is not yet set, but could consist of such delights as:
* roast pork with a mustard, quince and orange sauce
* homemade bread
* carrot puree with cream and butter
* potatoes with a wine butter sauce
* a salad of red and white cabbages
* sausages braised with white wine, butter, apples and onions
* bean salads
* roast oranges
* an assortment of 17th century cakes, cookies and treats

There will be something in every course to satisfy vegetarians, particularily if they are lacto-ovo vegetarians. Specific allergies may be accomodated, given enough notice.

We hope you can join us! this is a very fun cuisine to prepare and almost as much fun to eat! More details to follow as they become available!


Saturday, March 12th
Seattle, WA

Their Excellencies Ragnarr and Bergdis, Baron and Baroness of Madrone, invite you to attend the annual Madrone Baronial Banquet to be held on Saturday, March 12th in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. The feast is being prepared by the renowned Madrone Culinary Guild. It will be a sumptuous late-period northern European banquet. (More details on the menu and activities will follow soon!) There are plenty of opportunities to help – if you’re interested in volunteering, please contact the autocrat. We’ll need servers, dishwashers, gate, and many other tasks – great and small!

Feast tickets MUST be purchased in advance. This event sells out very quickly! Pre-registration will begin on January 24th. Please contact the autocrat via email (preferred) or phone to reserve a seat (or with questions) and note any food restrictions. Reservations will be saved for 7 days – check must be received within 7 days or the reservation will be released. Make checks out to “SCA, Inc.-Barony of Madrone” and mail to the autocrat at the address below.

Autocrat: Nicolette Thomas (mka Cammie Hall)
8537 10th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117

Site opens at 11am and closes at 11pm
Feast fee (includes site) – $19
Site fee (without feast) – $5 (ages 13 and older)
Fees listed are for SCA members. An additional $3 fee for non-members will be collected at the door. No age discounts apply to feast fee.

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