Kingdom Bardic Championship


Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Elisabeth de Rossignol
Date: September 26 , 2003 until September, 28 2003
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on September 26th 2003
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on September 28th 2003

Event site:
Maple Valley Community Center
22010 SE 248th St Maple Valley, WA 98038

Good Gentles of An Tir, hearken!

Come one and all to the very first Kingdom Bardic Championship! The Crown has determined that a new Bardic Arts Champion shall be added to the roster of the skilled Champions of An Tir! This historic event shall be hosted by the Shire of Wyewood, known kingdom-wide for hospitality and fine feasts. You shall view the performances of the best bardic arts of the kingdom, while being sated well and properly both Saturday and Sunday by our painstakingly prepared menus!

* Site hours: opens 9am Saturday, September 27th and will close at 5pm Sunday, September 28th. Individual judging will take place during the day on Saturday, with the audience appeal portion being judged in the evening. The final competitions for the championship will take place Sunday.

* Site fee: $5 per person and a $3 non-member surcharge (the Kingdom web announcement for this event previously stated that there is not a site fee. Be advised that there will be a charge for entry.)

A commons seating area will be available for those resting between performances and for general socializing. There will be a heraldic consultation table on site.

* Feast: Lunch (Saturday and Sunday) and dinner (Saturday only) will be available on site for only $5 US each. A $2 donation is requested for the dessert revel. Please remember to bring feast gear including a bowl. You won’t want to miss this! No preregistration is needful, just show up with your lunch money.

* Autocrat:
Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol (Lisa Mohr), 16308 SE 165th, Renton, WA 98058 (425) 277-0763 until 10 pm,

Details: For additional information about the event, schedule, the menus being served, etc., please visit the event website at

This page for event id 3619 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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