Kingdom Arts and Sciences and Queen’s Rapier Championship


and Device of Kingdom of An Tir

The Kingdom of An Tir (Oregon, Washington, Northern Idaho, and British Columbia)

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Helena the Small
Date: February 24 , 2023 until February, 26 2023
Site opens at: 12:00 PM on February 24th 2023
Site closes at: 3:00 PM on February 26th 2023

Event site:
Shiloh Inn – Ocean Shores
707 Ocean Shores Blvd Ocean Shores, WA 98569

This is a Level 1: Kingdom Event (ATWW, Kingdom Championship events, Crown Councils) event.

An Tir’s Arts and Sciences and the Queens Rapier Champion will be chosen! Glymm Mere and Caladphort are honoured to be hosting this event in Ocean Shores, Washington the last weekend in February.



Hotel block opens up Friday January 6th.

Please call the hotel to make your reservation. Remember to tell them you’re there for Kingdom Arts and Science for the event rates.




12:00 p.m.

           Gate opens

2:00 p.m.

            Merchants open in the entryway outside the Shilo Ballroom

10:00 p.m.

           Gate closes


8:00 a.m.

           Gates open

           Lists open at the Convention Center Ballroom

           Volunteers requested for setup at the Convention Center

9:00 a.m.

           Arts and Sciences Championship Invocation in the Shilo Ballroom

            Merchants open in the entryway outside the Shilo Ballroom

            Rapier armor inspection at the Convention Center Ballroom

9:30 a.m.

            Arts and Sciences Judging begins

10:00 a.m.

           Morning Court at the Convention Center Ballroom:

Invocation for the Queen’s Rapier Championship

Processional for the Queen’s Rapier Championship

          To be immediately followed by the tournament

1:00 p.m.

           Gate closes

1:30 p.m.

           Arts and Sciences lunch break

2:00 p.m.

           Arts and Sciences Judging resumes

            Open scribal in the Shilo Ballroom

4:00 p.m.

            Scribal closes

6:00 p.m.

           Evening Court in the Convention Center Ballroom

            Merchants close


9:00 a.m.

            Arts and Sciences Finals; Populace is invited and encouraged to attend.

            Court will follow immediately afterwards in the Shilo ballroom.


9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 Lunch 2:00 3:00 4:00
2nd Floor Athelyna de Oldenfeld Dafne Fraser Athelyna de Oldenfeld Dafne Fraser Athelyna de Oldenfeld Dafene Fraser
Dolphin Room C Lund Style Low Boots Buttons: from cloth to metal 14th c. poulaines Long shank buttons: why the long shank Northern Italian Farsetto, c. 1465 Soapstone button mold
Dolphin Room C 2nd Floor Dolphin Room C 2nd Floor Dolphin Room C 2nd Floor Dolphin Room C 2nd Floor Dolphin Room C 2nd Floor Dolphin Room C 2nd Floor
Table A Table B Table A Table B Table A Table B
3rd Floor Dagrun Harasdottir Badger the Humble Dagrun Harasdottir Badger the Humble Dagrun Harasdottir Badger the Humble
Chinook Room C The Lure – A recreation Macrame – the tie that binds Falconry: The Timeless Sport Macrame – the documentation  Falconry: Law and Status Macrame – when knots become art
Chinook Room C 3rd Floor Chinook Room C 3rd Floor Chinook Room C 3rd Floor Chinook Room C 3rd Floor Chinook Room C 3rd Floor Chinook Room C 3rd Floor
Table D Table C Table D Table C Table D Table C
3rd Floor Temperance Trewelove Cuthbert Weaver Temperance Trewelove Cuthbert Weaver Temperance Trewelove Cuthbert Weaver
Chinook Room B Sin Eaters The Firebrand of Florence Arval Cake (funerary biscuit) Medieval European Armor c. 1450 Agency and Power in Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet Roman Concrete Demonstration
Chinook Room B 3rd Floor Chinook Room B 3rd Floor Chinook Room B 3rd Floor Chinook Room B 3rd Floor Chinook Room B 3rd Floor Chinook Room B 3rd Floor
Table F Table E Table F Table E Table F Table E
4th Floor Agatha Iris de Oenipons Sigrun OsrikskonaMasks Garniture Couter (Elbow Cop) Agatha Iris de Oenipons Sigrun Osrikskona Agatha Iris de Oenipons Sigrun Osrikskona
Whale Room C Carbatinae (shoes) Table G Leather bag Lion Face – Lion Armour Silver bracelet Battersea Shield Miniature
Whale Room C 4th Floor Table H Whale Room C 4th  Floor Whale Room C 4th Floor Whale Room C 4th Floor
Table H Table G Table H Table G
4th Floor Gareth Hyre Mattittiyahu von Mod’in Brand aux Deus Leons Mattittiyahu von Mod’in Brand aux Deus Leons Mattittiyahu von Mod’in Brand aux Deus Leons
Whale Room B  The Queen’s Lutenist Lust Conquers All in Turbulent Times Becoming an Elizabethan Sonneteer The Greatest Fart Joke Ever Told A Period Song lyric sung to a likely tune How to rap, not wrap, medieval Continuing the Canon
Whale Room B 4th Floor Whale Room B 4th Floor Whale Room B 4th Floor Whale Room B 4th Floor Whale Room B 4th Floor Whale Room B 4th Floor Whale Room B 4th Floor
Table 11 Table K Table J Table K Table J Table K Table J
Pacific Room Dagmar, Yoletli of An Tir Rowena Jade of the Lion Isles Aspasia Bevilacqua Isabella da Firenze Vivien NicUldoon
Ballroom R&R of a Pre-Columbian Aztec Quechequemitl The Etoile of Madrone Gamurra from Firenze c. 1490 Alchemy: The Search for Gold, or Something More? Scythian Hat
Table 2 Table 1 Table 5 Table 3 Table 4
Rainier Room Bato Saito Ryoichi Mitsukage Wolfegar von Rothenburg Mecia Raposa Marcello Fornarius Wolfegar von Rothenburg
Ballroom Discovering the pre-colonial Visayan The Unbroken Lineage Fallacy Silver Shield Pendant Overview of dental surgery techniques Poetry and Song in Medieval Protest Plaque belt
Table 9 Table 8 Table 10 Table 7 Table 6 Table 10


This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - King
Royal Presence - Queen
Royal Presence - Tir Righ
Accepts PayPal
Has Merchants
Has Rapier and/or Cut & Thrust activities
Has Arts & Sciences activities

See this event on Facebook

Add all events from Kingdom of An Tir to your personal calendar (ical format)

Registration Information

Pre-registration is live.




Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Gate 30.00 (Children under 18 are Free)
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.

Meal Information

There are many restaurants in the area. There is a grocery store in town. The restaurant in the Shilo is closed.

Tournament Information

Preregistration for fighters

The tournament will be fought on Saturday of KAS&R. We will be in the Convention space across the parking lot from the main hotel as the hotel space itself is too small to give us a large enough and safe enough fighting space.

The format will be essentially the standard QRC tournament format. We will start with a challenge round and then split into round robin pools. The top fighters from each pool will advance to either a top 16 or top 8 for the best 2/3 single elimination portion of the tournament with the final 2 fighters meeting for a best of 5 finals.

There will be a combined blade length limit of 60 total inches.

Her Majesty encourages all entrants to have have personal banners with them during the processional. She will also be handing out roses for fighters to present to their consorts.

I look forward to seeing you all on the field.

In Service,
Gregorio Cristovalez de La Vega – Your friendly, neighborhood MIC

Youth and Family Activities

We have a few children’s activities. See Gate for Details.

Youth Activities

Journal Related Activities:

We have a journal for you.

We have a pencil for you. (While Supplies Last)

There are stickers, Flowers, and Dragons.

Take your journal and decorate it how you will.

Record your event experience.

What did you see? What interests you the most? What surprised you? (Prize worthy Entry? See Helena The Small and find out)

Scavenger Hunt. Seek out these people. Tell them the Event Steward Sent you on a mission of knowledge. Find an interesting fact about these people, get their signature, and gain one point. The child with the most points will get a prize. (See Helena The Small Saturday before court in the Ballroom of the Shiloh)

Seek thee out:

A Squire, A Knight, A Master of Defense, A Provost, A Merchant, A Pelican, A Laurel, The Event Steward, Someone with a fancy hat, A Bard, A Herald, The Queen, The King, A Prince, A Princess, A Duke, A Duchess, A Barron, A Baroness, A Blacksmith. (20 people)

Bonus points if you find someone who counts for multiple items. One extra point for each combination. Someone who is a knight, Laurel, Pelican, Duke, and Barron would be worth initial 5 points plus 4 bonus points for the combinations. (They are a really neat person if you meet them.)

Did you Volunteer? How did you Volunteer? Get the adult in charge to note your volunteer time in your Journal. Report to Helena The Small Saturday before court in the ballroom of the Shiloh. Most Volunteer Hours wins a prize.

Crown Design: We have a total of 18 crowns available. While Supplies Last You can decorate your very own crown.

Volunteer Information

We are always looking for volunteers.

Our volunteer coordinator is Centurio Paullus Quinctilius Barbatus. Please contact Paullus via email at, please include KAS/QRC in the subject line.

Thank you so much for helping!

Merchant Information

There will be merchants!

This page for event id 8143 was last updated: June 9, 2024
This event has completed its EIF form
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