Summits June Investiture


Hosted by Device of Principality of the Summits

The Principality of the Summits

and Device of Glyn Dwfn

The Barony of Glyn Dwfn (Medford, Ashland, Jackson Counties, OR )

Event Summary

Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Her Ladyship Milisandia filia Willelmi filii Roberti
Date: June 21 , 2019 until June, 23 2019
Site opens at: 3:00 PM on June 21th 2019
Site closes at: 12:00 PM on June 23th 2019

Please join us in the lovely Shire of Glyn Dwfn for Summits June Investiture to witness the investment of Their Excellencies Antoine and Kathren to the Alpine Thrones as the reign of Prince Njal and Princess Elisif comes to a close. There will be much fighting, fellowship, and finery through tournaments, classes, and Bardic Circle. So, join us for the day, or the whole weekend as we camp and make merry.

Site Address:

Rogue Elk Campground
27766 OR-62
Trail, OR 97541

Time List Field 1 List Field 2 Summits Pavilion Event Steward’s Camp Misc.
FRIDAY Tourneys Tourneys Court Classes Misc.
3:00 PM Site Opens Site Opens Site Opens Site Opens Gate Opens
4:00 PM
5:00 PM Open for Pick up Fights Open for Pick up Fights
6:00 PM Class: Highland Broadsword
7:00 PM
Fundraiser Tourney – Steel (To benefit “Mission 22”)
Fundraiser Tourney – Heavy (To benefit “Mission 22”)
8:00 PM
9:00 PM
Welcome Bardic w/ Feradach
10:00 PM Gate Closes
Saturday Tourneys Tourneys Court Classes Misc.
8:00 AM Chiv Meeting Gate Opens
8:30 AM Laurel Meeting
9:00 AM Lists Open for Summits Defender Lists Open for Summits Defender OoGG Meeting
Longsword for C&T Class
Newcomer’s Orientation in Adiantum encampment
9:30 AM Armor Inspections & Line up for Processional Armor Inspections & Line up for Processional Finish meetings & Prepare for Court
10:00 AM
Opening Court & Processional
Opening Court & Processional
Opening Court & Processional
No classes may conflict
Largesse Competition Begins in A&S Area
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Summits Defender Tourney
Summits Defender Tourney
Summits Defender Tourney
Court Herald & Town Cry Class, Garb Help with Taran (roving walk-ins)
11:30 AM
12:00 PM No classes may conflict during finals
12:30 PM Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break (12:30-1:30) The Fighter & Consort Dynamic
1:00 PM
Open Field and MoD Invitational Tourney
Open Field and MoD Invitational Tourney
Order of Summits Meeting
Charter painting class
1:30 PM CRAVE Meeting
2:00 PM Pelican Meeting
Basic Embroidery for Beginners
Devices, and Badges and Arms, Oh my!
Largesse Competition Ends in A&S Area
2:30 PM MoD Meeting
3:00 PM Prepare for Court Prepare for Court Prepare for Court Gate Closes
3:30 PM
Final Court of Njal and Elisif
Final Court of Njal and Elisif
Final Court of Njal and Elisif
No Classes may conflict during Court
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
First Court of Antoine and Kathren
First Court of Antoine and Kathren
First Court of Antoine and Kathren
No Classes may conflict during Court
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM Option for Chiv to meet again?
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
9:30 PM
10:00 PM
10:30 PM
11:00 PM
11:30 PM
Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
8:00 AM
Summits Curia / Moot
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM Site Closes Site Closes Site Closes Site Closes Site Closes


This event includes the following activities and/or services:
Royal Presence - Summits

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Site Fees

Fee Type Cost*
Adults $25.00
Youth Free
Children Free
*SCA Members will receive a $5 member discount off the cost listed above.

Tournament Information

Heavy Combat

Summits June Investiture will also hold the Tournament to determine the next Summits Defender. As per the outgoing Summits Defender, HL Marcus Octavius Rufus, the focus will be on a fighter’s stamina. This will be a Bring your Best “Mini Ursalmas” format in which the first round will be split between two list fields, and will be a Round Robin. The second round will be between the top 2 from each field in a random pairing semi finals. Both the Semi Finals and the Finals will be fought as a best 3 out of 5 tournament. The exact bracket structure may need to be adjusted based on list size.

Rapier Combat

The Masters of Defense cordially invite all authorized rapier fighters to test their skills and show their honor in an Open Field Tournament followed by a MoD Invitational on Saturday afternoon. Prepare to have your fill at the steel buffet during two 20-minute sessions with a 10-minute break between sessions. This is Open Field, so fighters pick their pairings, and fight as many people and fights as possible within each 20-minute time slot. After both sessions have ended, all Masters of Defense present will determine which four fighters will square off in a single elimination tournament.

Torchlight Fundraiser Tourneys (Steel and Heavy):

Please join us Friday night as Heavy and Steel fighters fight in side-by-side list fields to raise funds for Mission 22. With the minimum $5 donation, a fighter will buy a life for a single-elimination tournament. For an additional $3, the fighter can have a second life. For a $10 donation, a fighter will get three lives for the tournament. No fighter can gain more than three lives, but donations above $10 are welcome. The populace is also welcome to sponsor fighters or simply donate. Mission 22 is a non-profit organization that is working to lessen the Veteran suicide-rate through treatment programs, memorials, and national awareness. Thanks to the generosity of both our Captain of Tigers and Her Excellency Adiantum there will be prizes for the winners of Rapier, Cut & Thrust, and Heavy Combat.


Classes Offered

Beginning Charter Painting         Instructor: Aine OShehy, Griphon Scribe

Have you wanted to paint the charters you see as awards given? Have you ever wondered “what is gouache?” Ever thought “why not just use acrylic paints, water colors, crayons, colored pencils, or markers”? Are you interested in painting charters but didn’t know how to get started? This is the class for you! We will have charters for the next reign to be painted. Don’t have supplies? No problem! Materials will be provided; if you have supplies you are welcome to bring them. Concerned about not finishing a charter? Aine will help you get that covered. Cost: $1-5 to cover cost of supplies. Class size limit 5-12 people depending on availability of materials.

Cut & Thrust Longsword                               Instructor: Ana Maria de Santiago

A hands-on learning experience in Longsword from the basics to working on form and technique. No cost, no class size limit.

Basic Embroidery for Beginners                Instructor: Mistress Melisande

Basic embroidery stitches for beginners with a hands-on setting. Kits will be provided. Limit 5 people. Ages 12 and above. No fee.

Devices and Badges and Arms, oh my!   Instructor: Tighearnán Cearrbhach Ó Faoláin

In this course will explore the basics of heraldic design and gain a basic understanding of heraldic terms. A handout will be provided, and there will be a brief lecture followed by “hands-on” exercises and a question and answer session. Limits: There is no class size limit or age limit; children and youth should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Garb Trouble Shooting Help                       Host: Taran Mac Tar’la

This is not a formal class but an opportunity for those that need help with garb issues, or have questions to drop in and ask Taran for assistance. Pick her marvelous brain for answers/guidance on your garb troubles. No fee, no limit but please keep in mind only so many questions can be answered at a time.

The Fighter-Consort Dynamic                     Host: Maeve Cunningham

Are you looking to become a consort? Are you a fighter looking for a consort? Are you already in a fighter-consort pairing and would like to learn more details of what to expect? Come learn from our panel of fighters and consorts about their dynamics. Discover what questions you should be asking each other and get insight from others. For those seeking a fighter or consort this is also an opportunity to make connections and find a “match”.  Please bring your own chair, and beverage. No fee, no class size limit.

Beyond the Court: Town Cry and Field Heraldry                             Instructor: Iurii Victorev Belogorski

This class is intended for people interested in heralding outside of royal courts. We will talk about both town cry and tourney field heralding. Learn strategies and tips for delivering information to the populace. There is no class size limit, and no cost to attend. Attendees only need bring a positive attitude.

Highland Broadsword: Fighting Style of the Highland Scots from the 1600’s on

Instructor: Ian Campbell

This class will focus on the fundamentals of the Regimental Highland Broadsword systems, such as those of Henry Anglo and his contemporaries.

This page for event id 7147 was last updated: June 19, 2019
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