Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Eglyntine Merryweather
Date: April 7 , 2007
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on April 7th 2007
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Shekinah Christian Center
1015 3rd Avenue
Longview, WA 98632
Irish Feast XXII Shire of River’s BendApril 7, 2007
The ship was sinking when we got there…
We invite you to celebrate our 22nd Irish Feast. Being a river port, we have decided to rejoice in our sea-going friends through revelry, competition, and music.
Site fee: $8.00 for adults, ages 5-17 are $5.00, children under 5 are free. Mundane family cap is $25.00. Non-member fees apply ($3.00). This is a dry site.
Potluck contribution for dinner is divided by modern last name:
A-F: Bread/Cheese
G-L: Side Dishes/vegetables
M-S: Deserts/Fruits
T-Z: Main Dishes
Please note there is no kitchen area. Bring your dish in a crock-pot or microwavable dish. Cold items should be in an ice chest. Please bring a garbage bag to take home dirty dishes. A soup lunch will be available for a small fee. For further information, or about allergies, contact our kitchencrat at thyra_f@netzero.net.
Ithra note: Classes will start at 9:00am – the entire site opens at 11:00am. There will be no onsite Ithra registration. See the shire web site: www.riversbend.antir.sca.org or Ithra website www.ithra.antir.sca.org
Autocrat: HL Eglyntyne Merryweather Phone: 360-425-4570 (sleeping golem on duty). E-mail (weekdays only) csowers@theprogresscenter.org
Co-Autocrat: Lady Katsunori Kazuko Phone: 360-577-0170 email: feathercloud@comcast.net
8am Ithra Gate Opens
9am Ithra classes begin
11am Event Gate Opens
11-2pm Lunch break, Soup lunch available for small fee.
1:00ish-2:00ish Special Guest Speakers: Lady Rozina Katerina and Lord Yngvarr Gleðil Sigurdsson will regale us with tales of their days sailing on the replica “Golden Hinde”.
2pm Children Equestrian Games (Noble steeds always needed)
Ship building All afternoon
Children’s Coloring Contest All afternoon
Dancing After Equestrian Activities
5pm Picking the King and Queen of Misrule, Bardic Contest during supper
7:30ish Awards
10:00 Clean-up
TBD—“Meet the Peers”
We celebrate the Bardic Arts with our traditional Bardic competition to be held during the evening feast. There will be contests in storytelling, vocal and instrumental music. Extra consideration is given for period styles and pieces in this contest. Don’t be shy, we love getting new people to enter their first Bardic contest. A Subtlety contest will be held with the entries presented at the feast. (You don’t know what a subtlety is! Scandalous! It is an edible work of art, as simple or as complicated as you like. Examples include gingerbread houses, or cakes that look like something else.)
Other contests include: Children’s equestrian games, children’s coloring contest, a “Best period item from shipboard” contest (extra points for documentation). It is absolutely not true that we are having a pirate-ship building contest. We have decided to have a pirate fleet building activity. (No, this is not a troop build-up in order to attack the Kingdom of the West. Darn.) We have several volunteer admirals, all of whom meet the minimum requirement of being over 18 and trustworthy with scissors. The crewmembers who sign up with them will each build a little craft of their own (probably of tag board), and work together to help build a flagship for their little fleet. A Grand Regatta will take place at the feast to display their work for the members of the high table.
What’s a pirate activity without a treasure chest? We hope to leave a treasure by filling an old trunk with non-perishable food items to donate to the food bank of our generous hosts, who also let us use this building for our winter fighter’s practice. If you are so inclined, you may bring a donation to fill the chest.
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