Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Alaina Blackthorn
Date: June 17 , 2011 until June, 19 2011
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on June 17th 2011
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on June 19th 2011
Event site:
Turner Brothers Ranch
10301 Highway 507
Rainier, WA 98576
For those of you who were not in attendance
during evening court at May Faire, there is news that some may find
shocking and will, hopefully, rally many to the defense of Glymm
As you probably know, Johann and I stepped up as Baron and
of Glymm Mere at May Faire. We inherited a healthy Barony
and an amazing populace. We also feel that we were warmly welcomed
by our neighboring cousins. Well….for the most part.
We received great
words of wisdom and lovely gifts from the visiting
Barons and Baronesses. The Barony
of Blatha An Oir had other words for us, however. As we were being
given gifts with one hand, we were being challenged by the other.
There was an accusation of theft of honey! A challenge and an
accusation within mere moments of our investiture!!
We, Baron Johann and Baroness Francisca would
request a call to arms. It appears the wish for peace in our time
is not to be. So, join with us and the Beevarian Company in
defending our honor- and our honey.
So say we,
Baron Johann Matheusson and Baroness Francisca
de Montoya
Merhcant Information: Margaret_fae@yahoo.com
10am Site opens for Merchants
12pm Site opens for Populace
Baron’s Dusk Torchlight Prize Tourney
9am York Rounds
9:30am Newcomer’s Meet & Greet – Court Pavilion
10am Morning Court w/ Champions Exhibition immediately
11am Archery Range Open
11am Heavy
and Rapier Lists Open and Scenarios Begin
11am Pied Piper Children’s War Point Prep (TBA)
1pm Siege Cooking begins
1pm Children’s War Point games begin (TBA)
2pm Brewing Judging
2pm A&S Judging
2pm Thrown Weapons until 5 pm
4pm Thrown Weapons Championship
4pm Siege Cooking
4pm Archery Range Closes
6pm Evening Court
9pm Bardic Competition
9am Archery Championship Begins
1pm Closing Court
3pm Site
Site Fees:
Camping Adults-$15, Youth 17 to 10- $10, Children under 10 FREE
Daytrip Adults- $10, Youth- $5
Make checks payable to “SCA Inc., Barony of Glymm
Champion’s Exhibition – 2 Points
Come and see the champions of Glymm Mere and Blatha an Oir compete
for the first war point given at Honey War! Our archery, heavy,
rapier and thrown weapons champions as well as a five-man war band
will compete against each other! The barony with the most winning
champions will take the war points!
Heavy Scenarios – 8 points
Last man standing with archers (no res)
Zombie battle with archers
Bridge Battle with archers
Save the Sheep with Res. unlimited with archers
Siege Cooking – 2 points
Rules for Siege Cooking
-Three ingredients will be provided
-At least one ingredient will need to be begged, borrowed or traded
for- from the opposing “team”
-No leaving site to purchase other ingredients; if it isn’t already
on site it doesn’t exist
-Must use all of the provided ingredients (a little or a lot),
however, not all ingredients must be in each dish; at least 2 of
the four (the three provided and the one from the opposing force)
must be in each dish if you are making more than one dish; if
making only one dish, all four must be included
-Judges will be visiting camp during the cooking; please display
everything you intend to cook with; both equipment and your own
-Bonus point for use of honey
Please contact Baron Johann and/or Baroness Francisca with any
specific questions.
Archery – 8 points
York 1
Royal Round 1
NOvelty 1
Most Adult Shooters !
MOst Youth Shooters 1
Thrown Weapons:
Highest score 1
Most Throwers 1
Volunteers – 2 points
This event couldn’t happen without all of our wonderful
volunteers! For each half hour of volunteer work you do you will
receive a coin. Drop it in the box of the barony you are
supporting. The barony who has the most coins before court
on Saturday
evening will be awarded the war points!
Rapier – 8 points
Brewing – 2 points
Contestants will be judged on:
Clarity, color and texture: Does the brew look like it’s
supposed to look?
Taste: Does the brew taste like it’s supposed to
Presentation: Is the brew in a period looking container or an
overly modern one? If it’s in a modern container,
document why you chose that container over a more period one.
Documentation: At the very least, what is it, who made it and
a simple list of ingredients (don’t give us the recipe!
That’s your secret). Is the recipe period, how long did
it take to make, anything interesting you learned, etc.
Please drop off your entries at the A&S pavilion!
This page for event id 5537 was last updated: November 5, 2018
This event has completed its EIF form
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