Hosted by
The Shire of Druim Doineann (Port Angeles – Clallam & Jefferson counties, WA ) INACTIVE
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Eriu O'Tuathail
Date: February 11 , 2012
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on February 11th 2012
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Gardiner Community Center
980 Old Gardiner Road
Sequim, WA 98382
Holly & Ivy Revel IX, Shire of Druim
Gardiner Community Center, 680 Old Gardiner Way, Sequim, WA
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Shire of Druim Doineann invites you to join us for a day of
education and entertainment!
Daytime activities:
Learn new or different skills from a variety of instructors.
Currently, our non-ithra class list includes “The Rise and
Fall of the Knights Templar,” “Basic Book/Voice
Heraldry,” “Chain Mail 101,” “How to Make a
Paper Dress Form,” “Basic Embroidery,”
“Constructing and Finishing a 14th Century
Woman’s Dress,” “Entering an Arts & Sciences
Competition,” amongst on our ever-expanding list. Email or to reserve your
class seat now! Please number according to preference/priority so
we can try to accommodate everyone wishes.
Willing instructors should contact either co-event steward with
class information, requirements, and fees as soon as possible to
guarantee inclusion in event schedule.
While the classrooms are busy, the main hall will be open for use
by all. Bards are welcome to practice their craft; bring a project
to share or work on; or just hang out and be social.
Please bring your submission(s) to compete to be our Arts
&Sciences Champion. Letter of Intent to compete
should be emailed to Lady Sonja du Bois, A&S Minister,
before the February 4th entry deadline. Submission
should be single, first-time entries with written
A hearty luncheon offering of beef & barley stew, vegetarian
chili, and chili con carne with corn muffins, breads, and other
accompaniments will be provided by the Shire with your paid site
Heavy fighters are invited to compete during the afternoon in our
Heavy Tournament of Chance. Each fighter’s inspiration
will roll the Dice of Doom™ to decide the manner of
Evening activities:
Bring an instrument, a song, or a story and compete to be our
Bardic Champion. Please email a Letter of Intent to compete to
James the Obscure, Shire Bard, at by the February
4th entry deadline. Two entries for performance are
required, but documentation is not required. Competitors will
perform during the feast and the champion chosen by popular vote.
The Druim Doineann Bardic Champion is expected to attend all four
scheduled Shire events during their year of reign.
Additionally, we will conclude our evening with a tribute to a
fallen warrior, Lord Angus MacFarlane, who passed away December
24th, 2011. He was husband to co-event steward, Lady
Careann MacFarlane, and the original Holly & Ivy Feast was
organized to celebrate their marriage.
Please bring a dish to share during the potluck dinner. Suggested
categories: A – I: breads & appetizers; J – S:
salads, vegetable & side dishes; T – Z: entrees. Please
join in the dessert competition. The Shire will provide honey &
bourbon brined pork loin and oven-roasted chicken for
Please address comments, questions, or concerns to Lady Erin
O’Tuathail or Lady Careann MacFarlane.
Event Steward: Lady Erin O’Tuathail
(Shannon Jester),(360) 670-2682,;
Lady Careann MacFarlane (Karin Blakley),(360) 417-5089,
Fees: Adult: $15.00 ($5 NMS applies); Youth
(ages 7-17): $10.00; Child (6 & under): Free. Make checks
payable to SCA, Inc. – Shire of Druim Doineann.
Site: Gardiner Community Center, 980 Old
Gardiner Road, Sequim, WA 98382-8778. Open from 10:00AM to
This page for event id 5613 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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