Hosted by
The Shire of Druim Doineann (Port Angeles – Clallam & Jefferson counties, WA ) INACTIVE
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sophia Bruno
Date: October 16 , 2010
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 16th 2010
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Gardiner Community Center
980 Old Gardiner Road
Sequim, WA 98382
There will be a Toys for Tots Tournament sponsored
by the Baronies of Blatha an Oir and Dragon’s Laire!
entrance fee for the tournament is at least one new,
unwrapped toy. There is no gate fee if you are
attending the
send your RSVP to the feast to HL Sophia Bruno as we only
have room for 125 people in the
attendees are encouraged to bring toys as well. Not only are
you doing something wonderful
privileged children, but you’ll be helping out our fair
Kingdom with bragging
Another wonderful summer is winding down and it’s time to sit
and celebrate with good friends.
Please come to the Shire of Druim Doineann’s Harvest Feast on
Oct 16, 2010 and raise a glass,
feast on some delicious food and enjoy the entertainment as
we choose the Shire’s new Bardic Champion.
We’ll be at the Gardiner Community Center in Sequim
again this year. The Shire will be providing the beast,
side dishes and desserts are most welcome. The site will be
open from 12-9 pm. The address is 980 Old Gardiner Rd,
Sequim, Wa.
So dust off those stories and warm up your vocal chords
and join us on October 16 on the beautiful Olympic
There is an $8.00 gate fee. The $5.00 NMS applies.
Modern name ending in A-L please bring side dishes, salads,
Modern name ending in M-Z please bring desserts
For those competing for the Bardic Championship only one
entry is needed either spoken word or singing.
There will be 3 A&S competiotions as well, Best Garb of
the Day, Most Decadent Dessert (all can enter this,
regardless of the initial of your last name 😉
and Best Potluck Contribution. The recipes do not have to be
period/perioid, just nummy.
Any questions, please feel free to contact the Autocrat: HL
Sophia Francesca Bruno (MKA Carla Bruno)
360-643-1478 or at
This page for event id 5414 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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