Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sorcha M'Donnyl O'Glencoe
Date: October 28 , 2006
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 28th 2006
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Netel Grange
90525 Logan Road
Astoria, OR 98103
Feast Upon the Day of Saint Hedwig VIII
Shire of Herons Reach
October 28th, 2006
Come join the populace of the Shire of Herons Reach in celebrating
another year’s moss harvest. Saturday, October 28th, a feast will
commemorate the Day of St. Hedwig. the patron saint of moss gatherers.
There will be a bardic competition; a “best” pun contest (the Punny-
Bunny is looking for a new home; the winner will return for next years
feast); Archery, if we can have it, will be outdoors; Needlepoint;
Calligraphy; Games; Catapult wars for both adults and smalls, with two
catagories: Catapults/trebechets 15″ or under, and 16″ – 22″, and other
Crash space is avalable contact the Autocrat.
The potluck feast will be held indoors. The suggested food amount for
your contribution is the amount you would normally make to feed your own,
plus for 5 more. Herons Reach will provide seafood and some fruit, cheese
and bread. Feasting begins at 6:00pm, with bardic to follow. Don’t forget
your feast gear!
Sorcha Fitzpadraic
Sorcha_Fitzpadraic (at) Hotmail.com
Site Info:
Location : Netel Grange, (90525 Logan Rd. Astoria, Oregon 97103).
Restrictions : Dry site (no Alcohol), no smoking in building.
Time : Doors open 3pm / close 10pm.
Adults (17+):$8, Children (5-16):$4, Babes (0-4):free, family cap:$20
$3 non-member fee for adults.
Checks payable to “SCA, Inc. – Shire of Herons Reach”.
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