Event Main Contact (Event Steward): Sorcha M'Donnyl
Date: October 16 , 2004
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 16th 2004
Site closes at: 12:00 AM
Event site:
Netel Grange
90525 Logan Road
Astoria, OR 98103
Feast Upon The Day of Saint Hedwig
Shire of Herons Reach
October 16, 2004
Astoria, Clatsop Co., OR
Trees, rocks, barns, and even the fabled roofs of Herons Reach have been harvested of a bountiful crop of moss. The time grows near to honor the Patron Saint of Moss Growers at her own feast. We invite one and all to come on Saturday, October 16th, and share this festive day with us. Among the attractions, distractions, and downright annoyances will be a bardic competition, archery, and the renowned Best Pun contest. Expect the same outstanding smalls activities, which this year includes heraldry and bubble swords.
The suggested food amount for your contribution is the amount you would normally make to feed your own, plus for 5 more. The Shire of Herons reach will provide cheeses, breads, and fruit. Last name beginning with A–G, please bring a side dish; H–N, an entree, O-Z, a dessert. And don’t forget your feast gear! Feasting begins about 6:00PM, with bardic to follow. Some crash space/bed & breakfasts are available.
Autocrat: Sorcha M’Donnyle O’Glencoe, 503-325-1118, sorcha_fitzpadraic@hotmail.com
Site Info: The event is at the Netel Grange, a dry site, which now has a modern working range and oven. Event opens at 3:00 PM and closes at 10:00 PM. Site fees: $6.00 adult, $3.00 ages 5-16, under 5 free, $20.00 family cap, $3.00 NMS. Make checks payable to SCA, Inc.-Shire of Herons Reach.
Directions: from the North: by way of Hwy 101 and 30: Go through Astoria, cross the Youngs Bay Bridge. Continue through 2 traffic lights. Turn at the next intersection/light indicating the Airport and Ft. Clatsop (Marlin Ave). Putnum’s Prolube will be on the far left of the intersection. Turn left again at the T intersection (.2 miles). Follow the road about 4.5 miles. [*] There will be a gas station/store on the right. At the store the road divides. Go straight, past the store to the stop sign. Turn right and follow the road for 3.9 miles. You will see a sign “Logan Chapel Road.” Turn left at the second driveway past Logan Chapel Road to the Netel Grange parking area. From the South: by way of seaside, Hwy 101 and 26: go north from Seaside to MP 8.4 and turn right at the sign indicating the Airport and Ft. Clatsop. Follow the road 4.7 miles. Follow the above directions from [*]. Yes, there will be SCA signs!
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