Hosted by
The Barony of Glyn Dwfn (Medford, Ashland, Jackson Counties, OR )
Event Main Contact (Event Steward): William Brannan
Date: October 11 , 2008 until October, 12 2008
Site opens at: 12:00 AM on October 11th 2008
Site closes at: 12:00 AM on October 12th 2008
Event site:
Ashland Hills Stables
2007 E. Hill Drive
Ashland, OR 97520
Begin planning now to Saddle up your warhorse, grab your lance and sword, and make the Fall journey to the Shire of Glyn Dwfn for an historic weekend of martial equestrian activities.
We who guard the southern passes invite all comers riders and non-riders alike, to enjoy two days of workshops and friendly tournament competition from horseback.
Not only are folk without horse welcome, but they are VERY welcome. While most activities planned are directed at the equestrian community, we do hope to have things that non-riders will find entertaining and/or educational.
There should also be hard suit combat and rapier as well as many people to socialize with.
We are quite interested in making the SCA equestrian activities more mainstream and the best way for us to do this is to invite the non-riding community to come watch and learn. We are actively seeking people who are interested in helping out as ground crew at equestrian event and part of the Collegium will certainly include education to that end.
So if you are interested in getting a firsthand view of things from within the lists themselves, ground crew is a great way to watch thing from up close. But even if you don’t want to do more than sit in the grass and watch the riders, you would be most welcome!
Activities that are planned include:
Saturday – Instruction, practice and qualification in a variety of medieval equestrian elements. This will include Rings, Beheading, Quintain, Reeds, Pig Sticking, Crest Combat, Javelin and Archery and more as we think of it.
Sunday – Challenge Course made up of several of the activities we will be practicing the day before.
Both days we plan to have classes for riders and non riders alike.
Classes will include:
Ground Crew 101
A great place to start getting involved with SCA equestrian activities. After an introduction to safety around horses, learn how to set up equipment for some of the most common games, hand off weapons to riders, re-set equipment and keep the activities running smoothly and efficiently for maximum fun and safety. The best view is from right on the field!
Taking your horse to an event for the first time
An primer on how to choose the right event to introduce your horse to the SCA, how to prepare for it, what to bring, what to expect when you get there, how to have fun without going crazy, and where to get more information about what’s going on. Handout includes a suggested packing list.
Saddle blankets and simple bards
One of the rules of the SCA is that “Anyone may attend Society events provided he or she wears an attempt at pre-17th century clothing” and that could extend to our horses. Learn to make simple medieval style saddle blankets and half-circle caparison for your next SCA event. Think of it as the horse equivalent of the T-tunic and tabard!
Class includes the opportunity to copy a pattern for a saddle blanket and how to measure your horse for simple bards.
Dressing the Horse and Rider
An overview of human riding attire and decorative horse-coverings through the SCA period, with suggestions for adapting or disguising modern safety helmets and footwear. Attire for a variety of situations will be covered, including battle, tournament, formal and casual civilian riding. A handout with images and source information will be provided, and some construction tips will be demonstrated.
A pot luck picnic style feast is planned for late afternoon on Saturday.
Now for the logistical details:
The site for this event is Ashland Hills Stables. This is a full service boarding facility with two arenas, pasture and stall accommodations and a lovely lawn area on a slight slope, between the arenas. There is a fair amount of parking both for trucks with horse trailers and cars for those who are not bring horses. Camping will be on the lawn for Friday and Saturday nights. For those brining horses, accommodations for their mounts have also been arranged and will cost $11 a night to be paid directly to the stables.
Pre-Registration is Required For all Riders and Horses by October 7th. Just email your intent and how many horses.
Costs for the event are… $15 for Adults, $10 for youth, 12 and under no charge, $7 for someone merely day tripping and $5 for each horse brought in. Per horse charge has been dropped, but the cost of stabling your horse remain $11 a night per horse.
Note: This event will be promoted locally to the various non-SCA equestrian groups with the hopes of making the wider horse world aware of what we do and perhaps generate some expanded interest. This means we are likely have more outside observers at this event than at other equestrian events.
Feel free to direct any questions to the event Autocrat:
Sir William Brannan
AKA Troy Griffith
This page for event id 4947 was last updated: November 5, 2018
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